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Q: Why is the Earth's crust not made up off carbon?
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Can the US gov create an earthquake?

no. earthquakes are set off by sudden movements in the earths crust

What is the crust made off?


What is a pencil lead made off?

It is made of graphite, or carbon.

What is the major heat source of earth's crust?

The major heat source of Earth's crust is residual heat from the planet's formation and radioactive decay of elements like uranium, thorium, and potassium within the Earth's interior. This heat is responsible for driving processes like mantle convection, plate tectonics, and volcanic activity on the Earth's surface.

What are rockets made off?

steel, with durible titanuim palting to protect it from breaking up in earths atmosphere

What is given off by the plant when sugar is made?

carbon dioxide + water

Is carbon fiber made from carbon?

Carbon fibre is generally greater than 95% carbon. Carbon fibre is made from a spun material that is very rich in carbon. It is usually a material called Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) or sometimes pitch, an oil derivative. These are heated in an inert atmosphere to drive off the other atoms, which leaves a fibre made almost entirely of carbon.

Is bread better with the crust on or off?

leaving the crust on gives you more nutrition

Lead of a pencil made up of what?

Generally it's made of graphite. Graphite is a substance made of carbon. The carbon atoms are bonded together in a particular way that allows "sheets" of graphite to break off easily. When you write something, some of these sheets break off and end up on your paper.

What is crust made off?

pizza dough ... haha very funny ( somebody else wrote that )

How do you use crust in a sentence?

I'll eat your pizza crust for you.The crust was all burned up.The crust of the earth is a very interesting subject.When I eat a sandwich, I always cut off the crust.

What reflects off earths surface?
