

Best Answer

Improved flower performance:

  • improved longevity's/ shelf-life
  • broadened colour range
  • improved disease and insect resistance
  • improved growth charactersitics
  • to overcome natural domancies
  • faster cropping time
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Plant breeding in floriculture is important as it helps create new flower varieties with desirable traits such as color, shape, size, and fragrance. This allows for a wider range of flowers to be available to consumers, increasing market demand and profits for floriculture businesses. Additionally, plant breeding helps improve plant resistance to diseases and pests, leading to more sustainable and resilient flower varieties.

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Q: Why is plant breeding important in floriculture?
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Why is it important that Mendel began with purebred plant?

The correct term is "true-breeding". What that means is that if he takes his two pea plants with white flowers and breeds them together, he will always get a pea plant with white flowers. Something that is true-breeding for a particular trait is homozygous, i.e. if the allele for red flowers is R and the allele for white flowers is w, then a true-breeding white flowering plant is ww, and true-breeding red flowering plant is RR. If you cross-breed a true-breeding red flowering with a true-breeding white flowering plant, you would get 1/4 of the offspring as true-breeding red flowers, 1/4 of the off-spring as true-breeding white flowers, and 1/2 the offspring as heterozygous (not true-breeding) red flowers - Rw. If you don't start with true-breeding plants - say you start with Rw and ww (a red and a white plant) you get 1/2 the offspring heterozygous red, and 1/2 true-breeding white. Thus if you didn't know anymore, you would assume that half the time when you breed a red and a white plant, you would get a red plant, and half the time a white, which is incorrect. Furthermore, if you conducted the experiment again, say with RR and Rw, you would get a different result (in this case, all red). By starting with plants that are true-breeding, you ensure that you get the same results that properly show how the traits are passed on.

What do you mean by gene action and its role in plant breeding?

Gene action refers to the way genes interact to determine a specific trait. In plant breeding, understanding gene action is important for predicting the outcomes of crosses and selecting for desired traits. By studying gene action, breeders can make informed decisions about which plant lines to cross to achieve the desired characteristics in new varieties.

Who is called the father of plant breeding?

Gregor Mendel is often referred to as the father of plant breeding. He is known for his work studying inheritance in pea plants and developing the principles of genetic inheritance. Mendel's discoveries laid the foundation for modern plant breeding techniques.

What happened in Mendels experiments when a pea plant received two different alleles for the same traits?

When Mendel crossed a true-breeding short plant with a true-breeding tall plant, all the offspring were tall. Which term describes the gene for tallness?

What happened in Mendel's experiments when a pea plant received two different allele's for the same trait?

When Mendel crossed a true-breeding short plant with a true-breeding tall plant, all the offspring were tall. Which term describes the gene for tallness?

Related questions

What is plant breeding in floriculture?

Developing/breeding new cultivars/varieties having better floral and quality traits.

What is floriculture?

Floriculture, or flower farming, is a discipline of horticulture concerned with the cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants for gardens and for floristry, comprising the floral industry. The development plant breeding of new varieties is a major occupation of floriculturists.For the source and more detailed information concerning this issue, click on the related links section indicated below.

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Chas. N. Page has written: 'Page's home floriculture' -- subject(s): Floriculture, Floriculture. 'Aquaria' -- subject(s): Goldfish, Aquariums 'Parrots & other talking birds' -- subject(s): Parrots 'History and description of the great Page estate' 'Canary breeding and training' -- subject(s): Canaries

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Floriculture is the cultivation of flowers.

Why is it important to know the mode of reproduction of crops in plant breeding?

Knowing the mode of reproduction of crops is important in plant breeding because it influences the breeding methods that can be used to develop new varieties. Crops that reproduce sexually require different breeding strategies compared to those that reproduce asexually. Understanding the mode of reproduction helps breeders choose appropriate techniques to achieve desired outcomes in crop improvement programs.

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you can't get it by breeding, you have to buy it.

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R. Frankel has written: 'Pollination mechanisms, reproduction and plant breeding' -- subject(s): Plants, Fertilization of plants, Reproduction, Plant-breeding, Plant breeding

Why were true-breeding pea Plant important for Mendels experiment?

True breeding plants were homozygous for all the characters expressed, hence inheritance of characters was better understood with the help of these plants.

How do you get cactus dragon on Dragon City?

By Breeding Earth and Plant Dragon, you can also have Tropical Dragon with Earth and Plant.

What are the release dates for Studies in Floriculture - 1918?

Studies in Floriculture - 1918 was released on: USA: 2 June 1918