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Physics is NOT as precise a science as one would imagine, but it does work fairly well in the range of above the atomic level and below the interstellar level. For example it was noted that the Pioneer spacecraft altered velocities much more than could be predicted by orbital physics. Dark Matter and Dark Energy was "invented" because galaxies could not stay together by rules of physics. Why? At the sub atomic level things also do not respond like the pool table models. In the mid 1800s "everything as known and explained", then along came x-ray, relativity, atomic energy, etc, etc, etc. Wow moments!

If our knowledge increases in the next hundred years as it has the past hundred, physics will be viewed much differently. Ours is a universe of discovery and it does not take billions of dollars to work science. Physics as we know it today originated in the minds of men (and women) and the minds of tomorrow will discover even more. Thinking, not equipment, is key.

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3mo ago

Physics is a precise science because it involves quantifying and predicting the behavior of matter and energy through mathematical equations and models. It relies on experimentation and observation to gather accurate data which can be used to make precise measurements and predictions. The fundamental laws and principles of physics are well-established and have been rigorously tested and verified, contributing to its reputation as a precise science.

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