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Q: Why is nitrogen necessary to proteins?
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Nitrogen is a necessary ingredient of what?

Nitrogen is a necessary ingredient for plant growth and is an essential component of amino acids, proteins, and DNA.

What is an element necessary to make proteins fat and carbohydrates?

CHON (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen).

Is nitrogen needed to make proteins in plants?

Yes, nitrogen is an essential nutrient needed by plants to make proteins. Plants absorb nitrogen from the soil in the form of nitrates or ammonium ions, which are then used in the process of protein synthesis. Without nitrogen, plants would not be able to produce the proteins necessary for their growth and development.

How do people use nitrogen every day?

By eating proteins as proteins have nitrogen in it

Role that nitrogen plays as essential to the production of proteins?

Nitrogen is a key element. Proteins contain nitrogen and without nitrogen no protein.

What is the major function of nitrogen in plants?

Nitrogen is a critical component of chlorophyll molecules, which are essential for photosynthesis. It also plays a key role in building proteins, enzymes, and DNA, all of which are necessary for plant growth and development. In general, nitrogen is crucial for overall plant health and productivity.

Is nitrogen found in carbohydrates or lipids or proteins?

Nitrogen is primarily found in proteins, which are made up of amino acids that contain nitrogen. Carbohydrates and lipids typically do not contain nitrogen in their structure.

What macromolecule contains nitrogen?

Proteins contain nitrogen in the form of amino acids.

What do higher organisms use nitrogen to make?

Higher organisms use nitrogen to make proteins, nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), and other essential molecules necessary for growth and function. Nitrogen is a crucial component of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins, and is required for various biological processes within the body.

What element is present in protein that was not present in carbohydrates?

Nitrogen is an element that is present in proteins but not in carbohydrates. This is because proteins are made up of amino acids, which contain nitrogen atoms in their chemical structure.