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Lead in soil can leak into water supplies and wells. Lead is toxic and can cause severe brain damage or death.

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Q: Why is lead gasoline dangerous?
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Related questions

What form of gasoline is more dangerous?

Lead-based gasoline is more dangerous compared to unleaded gasoline. Lead is a toxic metal that can damage the environment and human health when released into the air through vehicle emissions. It has been phased out in many parts of the world due to its harmful effects.

Why is alcogas not better to substitute to gasoline?

because alcogas is dangerous to substitute to gasoline and it is also dangerous to our health and it can cause some diseases.

What is unleaded gasoline?

gasoline that has not been treated with a lead compound

Is diesel more dangerous than gasoline?

Diesel may be more dangerous in some respects, Gasoline can be more dangerous in other respects. You will have to re-phrase your question to ask exactly what you mean .

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What characteristics of gasoline makes it such a dangerous liquid?

Gasoline vapor reacts explosively with the oxygen in air if ignited.

What ii leaded gasoline chemical compound?

In addition to the hydrocarbons present in normal gasoline, leaded gasoline contains tetra-ethyl lead or other lead alkyls for their anti-knock effect.

What is the procedure for inhaling gasoline fumes?

Inhaling gasoline fumes is extremely dangerous and can lead to serious health problems and even death. Deliberately inhaling gasoline fumes is considered substance abuse and can result in immediate and long-term health consequences, including damage to the brain, lungs, and other organs. If you suspect someone has inhaled gasoline fumes, seek immediate medical help.

Element added to gasoline in 70's?

Lead was added to gasoline in the 1970s as an anti-knock agent to improve engine performance. However, it was later discovered that lead in gasoline was harmful to both human health and the environment, leading to its phase-out in the following decades.

Why do people use unleaded gasoline?

In the past we used gasoline with a lead additive in it. Since lead is a heavy metal and can cause birth defects, the US government required that gasolines be lead-free.

Is diesel oil unleaded?

Diesel fuel does not have lead added, but it is not the same as unleaded gasoline.Diesel fuel does not have lead added, but it is not the same as unleaded gasoline.