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In some cases the consumption of fish has been led to Mercury Poisoning. Mercury is present in many types of ocean dwelling fish, and while present is generally not harmful (unless consumed in large quantities) to the individual ingesting the fish.

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Q: Why is it that a human eating a barracuda could take in enough harmful chemicals to be killed?
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Is eating CFC harmful to human body?

Yes, consuming CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) is harmful to the human body. CFCs are toxic chemicals that can cause respiratory issues, skin irritation, and other health problems. It is best to avoid eating or being exposed to CFCs.

Why is my poop tiny?

For some reason, you are not eating enough food or fiber.

Is a polycarbonate kettle safe to use for boiling water?

Yes, polycarbonate kettles are generally safe to use for boiling water. However, it is important to check if the kettle is specifically labeled as heat-resistant and food-safe. Overheating polycarbonate can cause it to release harmful chemicals, so it is advisable to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for usage.

Is the production of not enough lipase harmful to the body?

Insufficient production of lipase can lead to impaired fat digestion and absorption, causing symptoms like diarrhea, bloating, and nutrient deficiencies over time. It can also contribute to conditions such as pancreatic insufficiency and malabsorption syndromes. Therefore, not having enough lipase can be harmful to the body's overall digestive and nutritional health.

Is there any substance not made of chemicals?

That kind of depends on what you mean by substance. An electron is a piece of matter that isn't made of chemicals. Quarks aren't made of chemicals. Neither are neutrinos, or photons, or Z bosons, or any other subatomic particles; strange exotic materials like neutronium or quark-gluon plasmas also aren't made of chemicals. However, any ordinary everyday substance big enough to see or feel or smell is made of chemicals.

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What does barracuda turn into after it is dead.?

A dead barracuda funnily enough!

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Great white sharks eat almost anything. If they are hungry enough they might eat a barracuda.

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removing the leaves from trees, or damaging the leaves enough to injure the trees. Chemicals and insect pests and leaf-eating animals can cause this to happen.

Is eating CFC harmful to human body?

Yes, consuming CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) is harmful to the human body. CFCs are toxic chemicals that can cause respiratory issues, skin irritation, and other health problems. It is best to avoid eating or being exposed to CFCs.

Is Eating copious amounts of chitin or shrimp shells harmful?

Since Chitin is indigestible (insoluble fiber) I can't imagine it being harmful, as long as the shells are cooked enough to kill any potentially harmful thing the raw creature may have been carrying.

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Yes, eating charcoal briquettes can be harmful to dogs. Charcoal briquettes contain additives and chemicals that are toxic to dogs if ingested, leading to gastrointestinal irritation, blockages, and potential poisoning. It is important to keep charcoal briquettes out of reach of pets to prevent accidental ingestion.

How harmful can a snake be?

Snakes can be harmful enough to kill those who they bite or constrict.

What causes a missed period?

eating habits- not eating enough, or over eating stress not enough sleep pregnancy hormonal changes

You feel shaky inside?

could be just not eating enough could be just not eating enough

How is oil harmful to humans?

yes if you have enough of it

Why is sugary food bad for children?

Let your child is have enough quantity of proteins including animal proteins. (Milk and milk products for 'vegans'.) And eating enough quantity of fruits and vegetables then let him enjoy sugary food. Do not worry. Worry will be more harmful.

How do you make a garbage deodorizer?

Actually, the best thing for garbage smells is baking soda. It absorbs odors without being perfumed or having harmful chemicals. Herbs alone really aren't strong enough for the task.