An antapex is a point opposite a solar apex.
The Johnson Space Center is about halfway between Houston and Galveston in southern Texas, which, admittedly, is a region located pretty far from earth. If you're asking where the center of the universe is located, then every point in the universe has that property. In other words, wherever in the universe an astronomer is located, everything he can see in every direction looks as though it's distributed through the same range of distances away from him. From everything we can see or detect, every point in space is the center of it.
When heating something, it is important not to point it at yourself or others to avoid burns or injury from splattering liquids or hot materials. Always ensure that the direction of the heat source is away from people to maintain safety.
Pointing a test tube towards anyone is not recommended because if the contents of the test tube were to be accidentally released, it could potentially harm the individual. It is always best practice to handle test tubes with care and keep them pointing away from yourself and others to prevent any accidents.
At its closest point, Venus is 66.7 million miles away from the sun. At the farthest point, Venus is 67.7 million miles away from the sun.
The galaxies themselves are not expanding, and they're not all retreating out from any central point. Every point in our Universe is moving away from every other point, because the entire fabric of space itself is expanding, taking the matter along with it. Thus, every observer at any point in our Universe observes all other galaxies moving away from the point where he happens to be located. No point can claim to be the "central" point. It was Edwin Hubble, working at Caltech and the Mt. Palomar observatory, who was able to compile the radial speeds of enough distant galaxies to demonstrate the general expansion in every direction.
one point goes away every 3 months
You call your surgeon and ask.
what are some tubes connected to the heart
Arteries are the tubes that carry blood away from the heart. The main arteries that do so are the pulmonary artery and the aorta.
You can indeed feel a knot in your stomach after getting your tubes tied. This is just irritation and inflammation and should go away.
According to modern cosmology, every point in space should see every other point (on a large scale so point=galaxy) moving away from it as a result of the big bang, and redshift is when light is shifted toward the red end of the spectrum(Captain Obvious reporting for duty!) because the source is rapidly moving away. So redshift of galaxies is an indication of them moving away from us, as predicted by the big bang.
These clues point to a clock. Clocks stop every minute at the end of each minute and continue to operate every day. Time, which the clock measures, can be given or taken away, and chance and time are intertwined.
Glucose carried away in vascular tissue called phloem.