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Q: Why is it important to maintaining normal serum calcium levels?
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Why is the parathyroid important?

The parathyroid is important because it produces parathyroid hormone (PTH), which plays a crucial role in regulating calcium levels in the body. PTH helps maintain normal calcium levels in the blood by acting on the bones, kidneys, and intestines. Proper calcium balance is essential for normal nerve and muscle function, as well as maintaining healthy bones.

What hormone inhibits osteoclast activity when blood calcium levels rise above normal?

Calcitonin is the hormone that inhibits osteoclast activity when blood calcium levels rise above normal. It helps regulate calcium levels in the blood by promoting calcium deposition in bones, thus decreasing blood calcium levels.

What is the calcium correction for albumin?

To correct calcium for albumin levels, you can use the following formula: Corrected calcium (mg/dL) = measured total calcium (mg/dL) + 0.8 * (4 - serum albumin in g/dL). This correction is important because albumin levels can affect the total calcium levels in the blood.

What gland controls the metabolic rate and contributes to the control of calcium levels?

The parathyroid glands control calcium regulation, which is the amount of calcium that is in the blood and within the bones. According to, the major function of the parathyroid glands are to maintain the body's normal balance of calcium levels in the blood as well as the bones. Maintaining a normal range of parathyroid hormones also affects the nervous and muscular systems.For more information please read this related article: The Difference Between the Thyroid and the Parathyroid

Is a calcium level of 8.3 low?

A calcium level of 8.3 is within the normal range, which is typically around 8.5 to 10.5 mg/dL. It's important to consider other factors and symptoms when evaluating calcium levels, as both low and high levels can have implications for health.

What does lack of calcium do to your bones?

A lack of calcium will make your bones brittle. This can make them break more easily than they would if you consumed normal levels of calcium.

What is the hormone that activates Vitamin D on blood calcium levels?

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is the hormone that activates vitamin D in response to low blood calcium levels. This activation of vitamin D helps to increase calcium absorption in the intestines and maintain normal calcium levels in the blood.

What diseases cause high pth levels but normal calcium levels?

possibly hyperparathyroidism. you can see this info on hope this helps out some

What mineral is found in banana and is important in maintaining a normal heartbeat?

Potassium is what you want.

Is it important for me to be on high cholesterol diet plans to improve my cholesterol condition?

Your diet is an important factor in achieving and maintaining normal cholesterol levels, in addition to engaging in physical activity, taking any medications prescribed by your doctor, and stopping smoking (if that applies to you).

What level should serum calcium be at?

The normal range for serum calcium levels is typically between 8.6 to 10.3 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). However, optimal levels can vary depending on individual health factors, so it's best to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

Principle cation in the plasma of blood?

The primary cation in the plasma of blood is sodium (Na+). Sodium plays a crucial role in maintaining fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contraction. It is regulated by the kidneys and helps to maintain normal blood pressure levels.