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Q: Why is it important to eat foods that contain calcium and protein?
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Does calcium contain calories?

Calcium itself does not contain calories, as it is a mineral. However, foods that are high in calcium, such as dairy products, may contain calories from other nutrients like fat and protein.

Which foods contain what?

Most fruits and vegetables contain little to no fat. They are also high in fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and provitamins. Some also contain antioxidants. Meats can provide amino acids, protein, calcium, iron, vitamins, and enzymes. Poultry contains protein, calcium, potassium, and carbohydrates. Rice and rice noodles contain protein and some (but not all) amino acids. Pasta contains mainly carbohydrates, a small amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Breads contain carbohydrates, a small amount of fiber, protein, minerals, and vitamins. Dairy products contain calcium, fats, carbohydrates, and protein.

Is there calcium in pears?

Yes, pears do contain some amount of calcium, although it is not a significant source compared to foods like dairy products or leafy greens. Eating a variety of foods rich in calcium is important for maintaining healthy bones and teeth.

What foods contain CaCO3?

calcium carbonate

What do protain-rich foods contain?

Protein rich foods contain vitamins such as niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, and B6. These vitamins are very important to the body for the health of the muscles, and for energy.

How do you get your bones strong if you do not like dairy?

There's plenty of calcium in tofu, sesame seeds, collard greens, spinach, bok choy, mustard greens, and black strap molasses. In addition, these foods contain vitamn K and magnesium, which are also important for bone health. Also, animal protein is acidic and leaches calcium from your bones. Plant protein is alkaline and protects the calcium in your bones.

What are examples of foods that contain no protein?

Highly refined foods like white sugar, corn oil, or distilled alcohol contain no protein.

What concrete actions will you do in order to protect your skeletal system?

Consume foods and drinks that contain calcium and protein. However, they both don't need to be present in what you are consuming.

Why are foods like egg fish and milk important in a healthy diet?

They contain lots of protein,which helps your grow.

What do milk and dairy foods contain?

..i think its calcium

What do bones contain that can also be found in foods?


What do bones contain that can be found in some foods?
