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the divid by each organ

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Q: Why is it important that classification divides organisms into small groups?
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Why does the smallest classification groups have organisms with more similarities than the larger ones?

The smallest classification groups, like species, have organisms with more similarities because they share a more recent common ancestor. As you move up the classification hierarchy to larger groups like phyla or kingdoms, the organisms are more distantly related and have accumulated more differences over evolutionary time.

The level of classification with the least variety of organisms?

The highest level of classification, domain, has the least variety of organisms, encompassing only three major groups: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.

What does it mean if organisms have classification groups in common?

Organisms with classification groups in common are likely to share evolutionary relationships and ancestry. This indicates that they have similarities in their genetic makeup, morphology, and other characteristics that enable scientists to group them together based on shared traits.

Who developed the first widely accepted system of biological classification He classified organisms into two groups?

Carolus Linnaeus developed the first widely accepted system of biological classification. He classified organisms into two groups - plants and animals - based on their physical characteristics.

Which form of classification groups animals based on their phylogenetic similarities?

Phylogenetic classification groups animals based on their evolutionary relationships and shared ancestry. It organizes species into groups called clades, which include an ancestor and all its descendants. This form of classification aims to reflect the evolutionary history of organisms.

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What are the classification of microorganism?

System of classification based on the cellular organization of organisms. Groups all organisms in 3 domain:BacteriaArchaeEukarya

What is the term used to describe the major classification groups of organisms?


What three classification groups are shared by all four organisms?

The three classification groups shared by all four organisms are domain, kingdom, and phylum.

What is the definition of classification of organisms?

Classification of organisms is the process of organizing and categorizing living things into distinct groups based on their shared characteristics. This system helps scientists understand the relationships between different species and aids in the organization of vast amounts of biological diversity. The most commonly used classification system is the one developed by Carl Linnaeus, which arranges organisms into a hierarchical structure based on shared traits.

What classification?

Classification means to put things into groups according to their characteristics.Living organisms are arranged in different groups due to their similarities and differences. This grouping is called CLASSIFICATION.

What is classification?

Classification means to put things into groups according to their characteristics.Living organisms are arranged in different groups due to their similarities and differences. This grouping is called CLASSIFICATION.

What is the important of classification?

It makes the study of such a wide variety of organisms easy. It projects before us a good picture of all life forms at a glance. It helps us understand the interrelationship among different groups of organisms

What is the term to describe the major classification groups of organisms?


What classification groups include the greatest variety of organisms?

Kingdom Animalia is the taxonomic classification group that contains the greatest or widest variety of organisms.

What do you mean by classification what are different types of classification what are method of classification?

The classification of organisms is a system of arranging the organisms into groups or sets on the basis of similarities and differences. The two types of classification are:- (i) plant kingdom (ii) animal kingdom

Which classification groups contains organisms that have the most characteristics in common?


Two organisms of a family also belong what other classification groups?

Two organisms of a family also belong to the same order, class, phylum, and kingdom in the taxonomic classification system.