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Fishermen who ply the waters of the Pacific off the coast of Peru and Ecuador have known for centuries about the El Niño. Every three to seven years during the months of December and January, fish in the coastal waters off of these countries virtually vanish, causing the fishing business to come to a standstill. South American fishermen have given this phenomenon the name El Niño, which is Spanish for "the Boy Child," because it comes about the time of the celebration of the birth of the Christ Child. During an El Niño, the physical relationships between wind, ocean currents, oceanic and atmospheric temperature, and biosphere break down into destructive patterns that are second only to the march of the seasons in their impacts to weather conditions around the world.
If the fishing industry can predict El Niño, they will be better able to plan for a time when the fish vanish from the coastal waters. This is how they earn their living, and it is 'very' important to them!

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they are able to plan better cuz fish die when el nino occur your welcome

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What instruments are used to monitor an el nino?

Instruments commonly used to monitor an El Niño event include satellites for remote sensing of sea surface temperature anomalies, buoys to measure ocean temperatures and currents, and weather balloons to collect atmospheric data. These instruments help scientists track the development and intensity of El Niño events and make predictions about their impacts.

What is El Santo Nino?

A community center located in Los Angeles, CA.

Is El Nino man made or a natural cycle?

It's a natural event.

How do scientists tell when an el nino will occur?

Scientists monitor changes in sea surface temperatures, atmospheric pressure, and wind patterns in the tropical Pacific Ocean to predict the occurrence of El Niño. These changes provide key indicators that help scientists anticipate when an El Niño event may develop. Sophisticated computer models are also used to forecast the likelihood and intensity of an upcoming El Niño.

A warm weather event that occurs in the tropical Pacific Ocean periodically?

That would be El Nino.

Does el nino cause precipitation?

The occurrance of an El Nino event causes flash flooding and storms in areas such as Sout America, however in Australia, it is known to be the cause of droughts and dry seasons.

Are there more or less hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean during El Nino?

During an El Nino event, there tends to be fewer hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean. This is because El Nino conditions typically create stronger wind shear over the Atlantic, which can inhibit hurricane formation and intensification.

What global weather event occurs every 3 to 7 years and effects the movement of currents in the pacific?

El Nino.

How you could stop the el nino effect?

You can't. El Niño is a global weather event. We cannot controol such things.