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Because you may need to multiply substances to acheive a balanced equation.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 4w ago

Leaving a blank space before each substance when balancing equations helps to clearly separate the reactants from the products. This can make it easier to ensure that each substance is correctly accounted for and balanced on both sides of the equation.

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Q: Why is it a good practice to leave a blank space before each substance when balancing equations?
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What is a good practice to use when balancing equations?

A good practice when balancing equations is to start by balancing the most complex or uncommon elements first, such as those in polyatomic ions or compounds. Then, balance simpler elements like single atoms last. Remember to adjust coefficients, not subscripts, to balance the equation.

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Balancing chemical equations is a result of the law of conservation of mass, which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction. Balancing the number of atoms on both sides of the equation ensures that the total mass is conserved before and after the reaction.

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You can only change the coefficients when balancing an equation. The coefficients are the whole numbers that come before the chemical symbols of the reactants and products, indicating the ratio of moles of each substance in the reaction.

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A system of equations is a set of equations with more than one variable dealing with the same material. If there are 2 variables, then the system must have 2 equations before it can be solved. 3 variables need 3 equations, etc.

Why chemical equations need to be balanced according to the law of the conservation of mass?

becasuse atoms are never gained or lost in a chemical reaction

What is the law of conservation mass and how is it connected to balancing chemical equations?

The law of conservation of mass states that matter cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction, only rearranged. When balancing chemical equations, the number of atoms of each element must be the same on both sides of the equation to satisfy this law. This ensures that mass is conserved before and after the reaction takes place.

Is the number that appears before a formula in a chemical equations?

The number that appears before a formula in a chemical equation represents the coefficient, which indicates the ratio of moles of each substance involved in the reaction. It is used to balance the equation so that the same number of each type of atom is present on both sides of the reaction.

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freeze water the night before, run around your block 2times a day before the marathon, PRACTICE, Practice, and practice.

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The est practice is a test that will help you before the real test. I would study before taking the practice test too.

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Linear equations, maybe not in a form you would recognize, have been around since the ancient Greeks, and maybe before them in China. Diophantus around 250AD wrote about equations. But there was work in that area before him. So there is no single 'who' but like many other things it is a building of knowledge over a long period of time that has evolved into what we now call linear equations.

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