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because you gain energy from it. The same way a car gains energy from fuel!

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1y ago

Food is called fuel for the body because it provides the energy necessary for various bodily functions and activities. Just like fuel powers a car or a machine, the nutrients in food are converted into energy through metabolism, enabling our bodies to perform physical tasks, maintain body temperature, and support vital functions like digestion and breathing. Without adequate fuel from food, our bodies would not be able to function properly.

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Why food is called the fuel of the body?

Food is called the fuel of the body because it provides the energy needed for all bodily functions. Just like fuel powers a car, food gives our bodies the nutrients and energy it needs to carry out essential processes such as metabolism, growth, and repair. Without food, our bodies wouldn't have the necessary resources to function properly.

Food is the body's fuel the materials the body needs to run properly come from the food and drink we comsume the process of changing food to substances the body can use is called?

Digesting. It's the closest answer!

What does food fuel give your body?

The food in the body's fuel source.The nutrients in the food give the body's cell the energy and other substances they need to operate.

What is fuel of your body?

food calories

Why is food required?

For everything except green plants, which make their own food from light energy, food is what supplies the fuel to keep bodies working. Just like a car with no fuel, a body with no fuel stops working. That is also called being dead.

Why is digestion an essential life function?

A human being is not maintained by his food intake, but rather, by what is digested. The human body needs fuel to live. We eat food for fuel. But just getting the food into the body is only a small part of the process. The food must be broken down into chemicals that the body can use. This whole process is called digestion

Why do people have to digest your food?

Food has to be digested so our body can get the proteins and nutrients etc. out of it, food is the fuel for the body

Does your body need fuel?

yes, its food ...

What do your lungs fuel your bodies with?

Lungs provide the body with oxygen. Oxygen is not exactly a fuel, but oxygen is necessary in order to burn fuel. Fuel for the body comes in the form of food, and oxygen is necessary to metabolize the food.

What is the main source of fuel for the human body?

Food and water

Why do you have to eat food?

Food is the fuel that allows your body to work. Without food, you will die.

Where does your body get its fuel. to move?

food and water....daaa!!!