We don't know that it is.
While it certainly seems as if Earth is the only inhabited planet in the solar system, we cannot be entirely certain of this, for two reasons:
1. We're looking for life as we know it, and alien life may be very different.
2. We haven't looked very much: A half-dozen landers on Mars, only one on Venus (and it only lasted for an hour!), and one on one of Saturn's moons. We have hardly looked at all at Jupiter's moons, and Europa could easily have life in its oceans beneath the ice. Our Moon certainly seems lifeless, but again, we've only landed there a few times, and for only a few days each time.
Earth is the only inhabited planet in our solar system primarily due to its location in the habitable zone, presence of liquid water, and suitable atmosphere for life as we know it. Other planets in our solar system are either too hot, too cold, lack liquid water, or have toxic atmospheres that make them inhospitable to life.
There are 8 planets in our solar system. As of now, Earth is the only planet known to be inhabited by life.
Earth is the third planet from the sun in our solar system.
The Earth.
Earth would be the third planet in the solar system alphabetically, after Earth and Jupiter.
The farthest planet from Earth in our solar system is Neptune. Neptune is the eighth and final planet in our solar system, located about 2.8 billion miles away from Earth at its farthest point.
There are 8 planets in our solar system. As of now, Earth is the only planet known to be inhabited by life.
Earth is a planet in the solar system
Earth is a planet, not a solar system.
The Earth is a planet in our solar system and the third planet from the sun. The Earth is the only planet within our solar system that can support life.
The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter.
Earth is the third planet from the sun in our solar system.
No, Earth is the fifth largest planet in our solar system.
No,Mars is. Earth is the fourth smallest planet known in the solar system.
It isn't. Earth ranks 5th in size. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.
Up to now, Earth is the only planet in our solar system that can sustain life as we know it.
Mars is the other planet in our solar system besides Earth that has water.
In the Solar System the answer is Earth since it is the only planet that has water.