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Q: Why is carbon dioxide produced in neutralization reaction?
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Dose neutralization produces carbon dioxide and a salt?

Neutralization typically produces water and a salt, rather than carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide may be produced in other chemical reactions involving acids and bases, but not usually in a neutralization reaction.

What do you call a reaction of an acid with a carbonate?

neutralization with evolution of carbon dioxide

Why is carbon dioxide produced when carbonate compounds undergo neutralization reactions?

Carbon dioxide is produced when carbonate compounds, such as sodium carbonate or calcium carbonate, undergo neutralization reactions because carbonates are basic salts that contain the carbonate ion, CO3^2-. When a carbonate reacts with an acid in a neutralization reaction, it forms water and carbon dioxide gas as a byproduct. This is due to the bicarbonate ion, HCO3-, being formed initially and then decomposing to form water and carbon dioxide.

Is it true that a compound that is produced by any neutralization reaction is CO2?

No, not all neutralization reactions result in the production of carbon dioxide (CO2). Neutralization reactions typically involve an acid and a base reacting to form water and a salt. The specific products depend on the acids and bases involved in the reaction.

What kind of reaction is calcium hydroxide with carbon dioxide?

The reaction between calcium hydroxide and carbon dioxide is a neutralization reaction, resulting in the formation of calcium carbonate and water. This reaction is important in processes like water treatment and carbon capture.

Why sodium hydroxide reacts with carbon dioxide?

Sodium hydroxide reacts with carbon dioxide to form sodium carbonate and water. This reaction is a type of neutralization reaction, where the strong base (sodium hydroxide) neutralizes the acidic carbon dioxide to form a salt (sodium carbonate) and water.

Would be produced in a combustion reaction?

Carbon dioxide

When a metal carbonate reacts with acid?

The metal carbonate will undergo a neutralization reaction with the acid, producing carbon dioxide gas, water, and a salt. The carbon dioxide gas can be observed as effervescence in the reaction mixture.

Produced when acids react with carbonates?

Carbon dioxide is produced when acids react with carbonates. This chemical reaction results in the formation of water, a salt, and carbon dioxide gas.

A reaction of a hydrocarbon in which carbon dioxide and water are produced is classified as a?

combustion reaction.

1 When a carbonate reacts with an acid what gas is produced?

When a carbonate reacts with an acid, carbon dioxide gas is produced. This reaction is a type of acid-base reaction that forms the salt of the carbonate compound and releases carbon dioxide gas as a byproduct.

What do you add to acid to make a mix of salt carbon dioxide and water?

Acids are neutralized by bases (also known as alkaline chemicals). The process of neutralization produces water and salt. As for carbon dioxide, that would not be a product of most neutralization reactions; it is much more likely to be the product of combustion.