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Red blood count is higher in infants as compared in adults. This is probably so because the growth in infants is very fast. Infants gain three times weight in first year of his life. By the second year the weight gain is only 20 %. So infants need more oxygen carrying capacity in the blood. That is why RBC count is more in infants as compared to adults.

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Babies are less protected than adults. They need more white blood cells than adults.

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10y ago

Baby is born with more white blood cells. Baby is also born with more RB Cs also. This happens probably because the systems producing them are more active.

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Red blood cells can reproduce themselves?

All cells are born with a nucleus, but not the red blood cell. Without the large structure in the cell, it can carry more oxygen. But without a nucleus, it cannot reproduce and will die eventually. A red blood cell's life span is about 3-4 months. After that, it will be sent to the liver to be destroyed.When red blood cells are destroyed they release heme, a prosthetic group, that consists of iron. Iron is used to reproduce red blood cells in bone marrow. Red blood cells usually are reproduced in bone marrow.

Does first born baby have same blood type as mother?

Not necessarily. The blood type of a first born baby can be the same as the mother's, but it can also be different if the baby inherits a different blood type allele from the father. The baby's blood type is determined by a combination of the parents' blood types.

Which baby gets erythroblastosis fetalis?

A baby with erythroblastosis fetalis typically occurs when a mother with Rh-negative blood type is pregnant with a baby who has Rh-positive blood type. If the mother's blood is exposed to the baby's blood during pregnancy or birth, the mother's immune system can produce antibodies that attack the baby's red blood cells, causing severe complications for the baby.

How does blood inter the body?

It doesn't you are born with blood and cells witch form tissues witch form organs

What organ helps make blood cells?

The skeletal system is what is responsible for calcium and phosphorous storage and hematopoiesis. Hematopoiesis is the production of blood cells.

Related questions

Why are stem cells from a new born baby's umbilical cord blood considered to be tissue stem cells?

The stem cells from a newborn baby's umbilical cord blood are considered to be tissue stem cells because they can develop into any of the various kind of blood cells.

Why would a baby be born with high white blood count?

There are a great number of reasons that a baby might be born with high white blood count. One reason is that they may have an infection.

How many blood cells does a perfectly normal new born baby have?

it has 15 trillion blood cell

Which blood cells help the body fight infections?

White blood cells, specifically neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes, play a key role in the body's immune response to infections. Neutrophils are the first responders and target bacteria, while lymphocytes produce antibodies to fight infection and monocytes engulf and destroy pathogens.

Where are blood cells created in children?

Early on in foetal development, red blood cells are created in the yolk sac. Later on, they are created in the spleen and liver.Once a child is born, red blood cells are created in the bone marrow. Similarly, white blood cells are created in the bone marrow (though they may differentiate and mature in different places depending on the type of cell).

What are the most common diseases of new born baby?

I'm not sure If I'm right. Hemolytic - Means Breaking down Red Blood Cells. Erythroblastosis - Refers to making of immature red blood cells. Fetalis - Refers to Fetus.

What is erythroblasto foetalis?

Erythroblastosis fetalis is severe anaemia with excess red blood-forming cells in new born babies. Possibly due to incompatibility between baby's and mother's blood.

What type of things does the company CorCell do?

CorCell is a company which is designed for women who are pregnant to be able store their baby's umbilical cord blood when the baby is born, for future use if their child requires treatment of any type requiring the stem cells that are in the saved blood.

Does a high white blood cell count mean you have cancer?

Your body could be fighting an infection and it's up to the doctor to send you for blood tests to try and find out what type of infection. People with high cases of allergies can also have high white blood cell counts.

What is the purpose of umbilical cord blood banking?

When a baby is born, parents have a choice on whether or not they want to save their baby's umbilical cord blood for future use. The stem cells in cord blood are used for treatment of several life-threatening diseases including brain injury and type 1 diabetes.

Can your blood type change when you have a your first child?

No it stays the same from when you were born till the day you die. However, changes can occur to other blood components. Blood is made up of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and complex compounds like polysaccarides and glycoproteins. Some proteins are antibodies made in response to a protein antigen. Because a fetus has proteins that are contributed from both father and mother, babies can have a different blood type than mom. During delivery, mom can be exposed to those different red blood cells and different proteins and start making protein antibodies. The next time she is pregnant, those new antibodies in her blood can attack the fetal red blood cells. This happens, for instance, in Rh positive and negative mismatches. The Rh proteins on the red blood cells of the baby will cause mom (who is Rh negative and doesn't have the proteins) to start making antibodies that bind to the baby's red blood cells and begins to break them apart, causing severe medical problems.

Red blood cells can reproduce themselves?

All cells are born with a nucleus, but not the red blood cell. Without the large structure in the cell, it can carry more oxygen. But without a nucleus, it cannot reproduce and will die eventually. A red blood cell's life span is about 3-4 months. After that, it will be sent to the liver to be destroyed.When red blood cells are destroyed they release heme, a prosthetic group, that consists of iron. Iron is used to reproduce red blood cells in bone marrow. Red blood cells usually are reproduced in bone marrow.