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Atmospheric pressure is the weight of the air above the point... at sea level there is more air above the point then there would be at 10,000ft

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Q: Why is atmospheric pressure greater at sea?
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Related questions

How does the atmospheric pressure below sea level compare with atmospheric pressure at sea level?

It is greater.

How does the atmospheric pressure at altitudes sea level compare with atmospheric pressure at sea level?

the atmospheric pressure below sea level is highter (novanet)

Where on earth is atmospheric pressure greatest?

The atmospheric pressure is greatest at sea level, which is at the Earth's surface. As altitude increases, atmospheric pressure decreases.

How does atmospheric pressure change with height above sea level?

Atmospheric pressure is the weight of the air above the surface of the earth. As elevation increases, there is less air above the location and the pressure is lower. At sea level the column of air above the area is greater.?æ

Is atmospheric pressure higher on a mountain or sea level?

The answer is sea level. Because atmospheric pressure decreases when altitude increases

What happens when pressure in the lung is greater than atmospheric pressure?

If the pressure in the lung is greater than atmospheric pressure, air will flow out of the lungs in order to equalize the pressure. This is called exhalation or breathing out.

How blood pressure is greater than atmospheric pressure?

Blood pressure is the blood flow when the heart is pumping (top number) and when the heart is resting (bottom number). The body is a closed system and requires enough blood pressure to pump the blood throughout the body. A typically healthy blood pressure would be 120mmHg/70mmHg. Atmospheric pressure is the weight of the atmosphere at a specific location and altitude. At sea level, atmospheric pressure is 760mmHg. So actually, atmospheric pressure is much greater than blood pressure. Most people never have to worry about atmospheric pressure affecting blood pressure. However, deep sea divers experience an increase in blood pressure while diving, and astronauts experience a decrease in blood pressure when in space.

What is the pressure above sea level in mmHg?

The atmospheric pressure at sea level is typically around 760 mmHg. As you increase in altitude above sea level, the atmospheric pressure decreases. For example, at 5,000 feet above sea level, the atmospheric pressure may be around 625 mmHg.

Standard pressure is what?

It is mean atmospheric pressure at sea level.

As you walk down a mountainside atmospheric pressure will what?

As you walk down a mountainside, atmospheric pressure will increase. This is because the air becomes denser at lower altitudes, leading to an increase in pressure.

What is the air pressure at sea level called?

The air pressure at sea level is called atmospheric pressure.

Is atmospheric pressure higher on a mountaintop or sea level?

sea level