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Air is a mixture because it is easily separated into its component gases. If it was a compound you would have to perform complex operations like electrolysis to break the bonds between atoms in the compound...but with air, all you need do is cool the air enough to cause the gases to condense.

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12y ago
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3mo ago

Air is a mixture because it is made up of different gases (such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide) that are physically mixed together and retain their individual properties. If air were a compound, its components would be chemically bonded together in a fixed ratio, resulting in a new substance with different properties.

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9y ago

Air is a mixture because air is made up of different gases (oxygen and nitrogen being the most abundant) in different concentrations. These components can be separated by the physical process of condensation.

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12y ago

Air is called a mixture because air contain not only one element or one compound; air contain many elements and compounds: nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, water vapours, helium, neon, krypton xenon, ozone, radon, pollutants.

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12y ago

Air is called a mixture because air contain not only one element or one compound; air contain many elements and compounds: nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, water vapours, helium, neon, krypton xenon, ozone, radon, pollutants.

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10y ago

Air is a mixture and not a compound because its components retain their unique characteristics and they can be separated by physical means.

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9y ago

Air is a mixture not a compound because air is made up of many gases. Some of those gases are oxygen 21%, nitrogen 71% and 1% other gases.

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14y ago

Air is a mixture and not a compound because it has multiple components (chiefly nitrogen and oxygen) that are mixed together but do not form chemical bonds with one another.

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13y ago

Air is made up of multiple gases that are not chemically bonded to eachother. To be a compound the gases would have to be bonded to form a completely different gas but this is not the case.

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7y ago

its composition can vary

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