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Well, it is possible; however, if this were to happen the predatory species would be at a particular disadvantage given that it would lose that species in its diet. Should that particular species (i.e., the one that went extinct) have assumed a position of importance in the predator's diet, there could be rather disasterous consequences for the latter's continued survival.

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Predators rely on prey for food and energy, so wiping out the prey population could lead to starvation for the predator. In addition, prey species may evolve strategies to avoid predation, such as camouflage or defensive behaviors, which can make them more difficult to catch. The predator-prey relationship is often a delicate balance that benefits both populations in the long run.

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Q: Why is a predator not able to totally wipe out their prey?
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Why are introduced species dangerous towards native species?

The prey of a natural predator has evolved along side the predator so has developed ways to cope, such as being able to climb a tree. Now let's say you intoduce a predator that can also climb a tree... the prey doesn't stand a chance. Another reason is that, for thousands of years, certain species have eaten certain foods. Another larger or more voracious, species, or even one that breeds much more quickly, can wipe out the native animals' food sources. This is why the rabbit, for example, is so destructive for Australian native wildlife.

Which brain center makes wipe your tears?

The frontal lobe of the brain is the center which makes you wipe your tears. This is the section that controls motor movement.

Is it right to wipe a disc in counter clockwise Motion?

It is not recommended to wipe a disc in a counter clockwise motion as it can potentially damage the data on the disc. It is recommended to wipe a disc in a gentle, circular motion starting from the center and moving towards the outer edge to avoid causing any damage.

Does wiping the doorknob with an antibacterial wipes really reduce the number of bacteria?

Yes, wiping the doorknob with an antibacterial wipe can reduce the number of bacteria on its surface. The wipe's disinfecting properties can help kill or remove some of the germs present, lowering the risk of spreading infection. It's important to follow the instructions on the wipe's packaging for effective cleaning.

How do you test if wiping a doorknob with antibacteria wipes reduce the number of bacteria?

You can measure the number of bacteria on the doorknob before and after wiping it with antibacterial wipes using a swab test. Swab the doorknob before wiping it, transfer the sample onto a culture medium, then repeat the process after wiping with antibacterial wipes. Compare the bacterial growth from the two samples to determine the effectiveness of the wipes.

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Why don't predators totally wipe out all of their prey?

First off, they won't be able to kill the fittest (strongest/fastest/best camouflaged etc.) prey. Thus, the term "survival of the fittest". Second, animals reproduce. Carnivores tend to reproduce at a reduced rate compared to their prey.

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be cuz some snakes can only live there and that could kill them and could even wipe them out plus there prey may die and that cant get to it

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A by-wipe is a secret or side stroke.