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because a nephoscope is a better insrument on the ground than a wind vane

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Q: Why is a nephoscope a more accurate indicator of wind direction over a city than a wind vane on the ground?
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Why is ground direction of wind different from a storm's direction?

The ground direction of the wind is impacted by factors such as local topography and the Coriolis effect, which can cause the wind to follow different paths than the storm system aloft. Storm systems are driven by larger-scale atmospheric factors that may not directly influence surface winds, resulting in a disconnect between the two directions.

What is a lightning direction finder?

A lightning direction finder is a device used to determine the direction of cloud-to-ground lightning strikes. It uses multiple antennas to detect the radio frequency signals emitted by lightning and calculates the angle of arrival to determine the direction of the strike. This information can be used for safety purposes in predicting the path of a storm.

Are all Weather Vanes accurate?

No, not all weather vanes are accurate. Weather vanes are designed to indicate wind direction, but their accuracy can be affected by factors such as their mounting location, nearby obstructions, and wind patterns that may vary at different heights. Additionally, some weather vanes may not be properly calibrated or maintained, which can lead to inaccurate readings.

Do skydivers move relative to the ground?

Yes, skydivers move relative to the ground as they fall due to gravity. Their speed and direction of movement are influenced by factors such as their body position, air resistance, and wind conditions.

1s2 2s2 2pix 2p1y 2p1z is this is correct for nitrogen in ground state?

The electron configuration you provided is not accurate for nitrogen in its ground state. The correct electron configuration for nitrogen in its ground state is 1s2 2s2 2p3, as it has 7 electrons.

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it is an indicator used to determine the distance on a paper and the actual distance on the ground.

Example of 3 laws of motion?

when we walk on the ground, our feet pushes the ground in backward direction, as a reaction ground pushes us in forward direction hence we can walk on the ground.

Indicated airspeed compared to ground speed?

Indicated airspeed (IAS) is the speed of an aircraft as shown on its airspeed indicator, which measures the dynamic pressure created by the aircraft moving through the air. Ground speed is the actual speed at which the aircraft is moving over the ground and is affected by wind. The ground speed can be faster or slower than the indicated airspeed depending on the direction and strength of the wind.

What are the uses of wind vanee?

a wind vane is an instrument for showing the direction of the wind . they are typically used as an architectural ornament to the highest point of o obtain an accurate reading, the wind vane must be located well above the ground and away from buildings, trees, and other objects which interface with the true wind direction.

Why does R indicator light up when you apply the brake on your 94 Camry?

You have a bad ground on that brake light bulb.

What is the limitation of the airspeed indicator?

some V speeds are not indicated, It doesn't show true airspeed or ground speed.

Why do your S80 indicators on dashboard work intermittently when actual lights are operating properly?

The dashboard indicator light might have a loose connection. The dashboard indicator light might have a corroded or loose ground wire.

Why does friction act in the direction of your motion when you are walking?

Friction acts opposite to the direction of motion when walking in order to push against the ground and propel you forward. As your foot pushes back on the ground, the frictional force between your foot and the ground resists this motion and provides the necessary traction for walking.

What is a bioindicator?

A biological indicator is a device to monitor the sterilization process that consists of a standardized population bacterial spores known to be resistant to the mode of sterilization being monitored. Biological indicators indicate that all the parameters necessary for sterilization were present.

A light 3m above the ground causes a boy 1.8m tall to cast a shadow?

depends on the direction depends on the direction

What direction of ground motion is usually recorded in a land survey?


What could be wrong if when your indicator is on and the brakes are applied the fog light starts flashing?

Bad ground, usually at the rear lights.