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Q: Why is a lotus plant is removed and planted on land?
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Is a lotus plant a land plant or water plant?

A water plant

What do you think the land of the Lotus Eaters might symbolize?

The land of the Lotus-Eaters symbolizes 'escapism'. The Lotus plant relieves and takes you out of reality. Once you eat this plant you will never have a feeling of wanting to go back home, you will only want the plant.

Is a lotus a land plants or a water plants?

A water plant

What happens in the land of the lotus eaters?

The Lotus-Eaters ate from a plant with heavy narcotic properties. It made Odysseus' men forget about home.

Why did explorers plant flags?

the explorers planted flags to claim land for their country

Does lotus grow on land?

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Where were the lotus eaters located?

Tunisia (land of the lotus eaters)

Why was it necessary for Odysseus to take some of his men by force away from the land of the lotus eaters?

His men have eaten an addictive plant with drug-like effects which seduces the men to stay on the island of the Lotus-Eaters

Where did the lotus eaters come from in The Odyssey?

The Lotus Eaters came from the island that was called the land of the Lotus Eaters.

What is the land of the Lotus-eaters?

The land of the lotus eaters is the place where if a person eats the lotus plants... it makes the person never want to leave the place and stay there forever...

What danger did Odysseus and his men face in the land of the lotus- eaters?

In the land of the lotus-eaters there were lotus flowers that poisoned the mind. Once the lotus leaves were eaten, you were addicted to it and would lose your mind and your will to do anything else.

What is the land of the lotus eaters called now?

The Lotus Casino in Las Vegas