because a flame needs oxygen to burn so when you allow the oxygen to flow it will suddenly burst up with oxygen creating a sound since it is now burning properly.
A blue flame is typically hotter than a yellow flame, which can lead to more turbulent combustion and the production of more noise. The higher temperature of the blue flame also causes gases to expand more rapidly, resulting in higher velocity and increased turbulence, creating more noise.
No, a blue flame of a Bunsen burner is hotter than a yellow flame. The blue flame indicates complete combustion of the gas, which produces a higher temperature compared to the yellow flame's incomplete combustion.
To change a blue flame to a yellow flame, you can adjust the air mixture going into the gas burner. Increasing the amount of air mixed with the gas will result in a yellow flame. This can usually be done by adjusting the air shutter on the burner.
A blue flame produces more energy compared to a yellow flame. The color of the flame is an indicator of the temperature of the burning process, with blue flames reaching higher temperatures due to complete combustion.
A blue flame produces a higher frequency sound due to the faster movement of gas molecules as they burn more efficiently. The yellow flame, on the other hand, is less efficient and produces a lower frequency sound. The higher frequency noise of a blue flame is more noticeable to our ears compared to the lower frequency noise of a yellow flame.
The hottest flame is the blue flame and the coolest flame is yellow.
The Blue Flame Will Be Noisier. The Yellow Flame Is Called A Safety Flame Because Everyone can See it. There Are Two Blue Flames: Medium Roaring The Roaring Flame Has A Blue Cone In The Middle Of The Flame And It Is The Hottest. It Also Has More Oxygen. But Overall, The Blue Flames Will Be Noisier Than The Yellow Flame.
A blue flame is noisier than a yellow flame because it burns with a higher temperature and energy, causing more turbulent mixing of air and gas which creates a roaring sound. The increased combustion intensity of the blue flame generates more vibrations and noise compared to the calmer and less intense yellow flame.
No, a blue flame of a Bunsen burner is hotter than a yellow flame. The blue flame indicates complete combustion of the gas, which produces a higher temperature compared to the yellow flame's incomplete combustion.
The inner blue flame on a Bunsen burner is silent because it has a well-balanced mixture of gas and air, causing complete combustion with minimal noise. The outer yellow flame is louder due to incomplete combustion and turbulence in the flame.
To change a blue flame to a yellow flame, you can adjust the air mixture going into the gas burner. Increasing the amount of air mixed with the gas will result in a yellow flame. This can usually be done by adjusting the air shutter on the burner.
Blue flame. because it does not have carbon
The yellow flame? i do not know but the blue flame is 2732 degrees Fahrenheit
A blue flame produces more energy compared to a yellow flame. The color of the flame is an indicator of the temperature of the burning process, with blue flames reaching higher temperatures due to complete combustion.
A blue flame is hotter than a yellow flame because a blue flame has more oxygen, so it has more energy to create extra heat. Therefore, a blue flame is more dangerous and a yellow flame is used in laboratories. The hottest part of the blue flame is right under the middle, this part is called the crown !!
the blue flame is hoter than the yellow flame. hope this gives u the right picture
A blue flame produces a higher frequency sound due to the faster movement of gas molecules as they burn more efficiently. The yellow flame, on the other hand, is less efficient and produces a lower frequency sound. The higher frequency noise of a blue flame is more noticeable to our ears compared to the lower frequency noise of a yellow flame.
Because the bottom part of the flame is normally blue, and as it rises throughout the flame it changes its color to yellow. They call this the dirty flame because the original color is blue, and has become 'dirty' and changed to yellow.