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Because it penetrates the skin and can cause mutations.

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Q: Why is UVA light considered a mutagen?
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Related questions

Is UV light a mutagen?

Yes, UV light can be a mutagen as it can cause changes in the DNA sequence by inducing mutations. Excessive exposure to UV light can lead to the formation of thymine dimers in DNA, which can result in mutations if not repaired.

Are black lights and a uvb light bulb the same?

No, they are not the same. A black light bulb produces UVA light.

Can a red-eared slider live without a uvb light?

no,You need both uva and uvb light

Is diabetes a mutagen?

No. Diabetes is a condition, not a substance, and therefore cannot be a "mutagen".

A what is a physical or chemical agent that causes damage to DNA?

What is a physical or chemical agent that changes the nucleotide sequence of DNA?

What is UVA light?

UVA light is a type of ultraviolet (UV) radiation with longer wavelengths than UVB and UVC light. It makes up the majority of the UV radiation that reaches the Earth's surface and can penetrate deeper into the skin, potentially causing skin aging and increasing the risk of skin cancer. UV protective measures, such as sunscreen and clothing, are important when exposed to UVA light.

When was Environmental Mutagen Society created?

Environmental Mutagen Society was created in 1969.

What type of ultraviolet light is most efficient in stimulating the skin to produce tanning?


What kind of light is used for phototherapy for cutaneous T-cell lymphoma?

Both UVA and UVB light is used for phototherapy of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma; UVA is usually administered once a week, and UVB can be weekly as well, or sometimes daily.

What does a uva bulb look like?

A UVA bulb typically looks like a regular light bulb with a black or dark purple coating on the outside to filter out visible light and emit ultraviolet A (UVA) light. It often has a screw or pin base for easy installation in light fixtures.

How does a mutagen work?

Mutagen turns people into what animal it most recently been in contact with.

How much uv light is in sunlight?

Sunlight is composed of three types of ultraviolet (UV) light: UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVA accounts for about 95% of the UV light that reaches the Earth's surface, while UVB makes up the remaining 5%. UVC is absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere and does not reach the surface.