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He has ALS

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Q: Why is Stephen hawking unable to communicate verbally?
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What tools did stephen hawking use?

Stephen Hawking used a speech-generating device to communicate, as he had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) which left him unable to speak. He used a device that detected tiny movements in his cheeks to select words and phrases from a computer screen. Hawking's communication device allowed him to continue his groundbreaking work in theoretical physics and to communicate with others.

When did Stephen Hawking have a tracheotomy?

Stephen Hawking underwent a tracheotomy in 1985 after contracting pneumonia. It left him unable to speak without a voice synthesizer, but he continued his research and writing.

Can professer Stephen hawking walk?

Professor Stephen Hawking is unable to walk, due to the effects of ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) a motor neuron disease which requires him to remain confined to a wheelchair.

Is Stephen hawking a cyborg?

No, Stephen Hawking was not a cyborg. He used a computerized communication system to communicate due to his motor neuron disease, but this did not integrate with his body in the way a cyborg's technology would.

How did Stephen hawking become dissble?

Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) at the age of 21, which gradually caused paralysis and made him unable to speak or move. Despite his disability, Hawking went on to become one of the most influential theoretical physicists of his time, using a speech-generating device to communicate and making significant contributions to our understanding of black holes and the nature of space and time.

Related questions

What tools did stephen hawking use?

Stephen Hawking used a speech-generating device to communicate, as he had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) which left him unable to speak. He used a device that detected tiny movements in his cheeks to select words and phrases from a computer screen. Hawking's communication device allowed him to continue his groundbreaking work in theoretical physics and to communicate with others.

When did Stephen Hawking have a tracheotomy?

Stephen Hawking underwent a tracheotomy in 1985 after contracting pneumonia. It left him unable to speak without a voice synthesizer, but he continued his research and writing.

Can professer Stephen hawking walk?

Professor Stephen Hawking is unable to walk, due to the effects of ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) a motor neuron disease which requires him to remain confined to a wheelchair.

How did Stephen hawking become dissble?

Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) at the age of 21, which gradually caused paralysis and made him unable to speak or move. Despite his disability, Hawking went on to become one of the most influential theoretical physicists of his time, using a speech-generating device to communicate and making significant contributions to our understanding of black holes and the nature of space and time.

Is Stephen hawking a cyborg?

No, Stephen Hawking was not a cyborg. He used a computerized communication system to communicate due to his motor neuron disease, but this did not integrate with his body in the way a cyborg's technology would.

What problems did Stephen hawking have?

Stephen Hawking suffered from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a progressive neurological disease that left him paralyzed and unable to speak without the assistance of a speech-generating device. He also faced challenges with mobility, as his condition confined him to a wheelchair for most of his life.

Why can't Stephen Hawking sit upright?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis causes complete loss of control over muscles, leaving people unable to adjust their bodies so as to stay upright.

What does the meaning of without speech?

"Without speech" typically means unable to communicate verbally. It could refer to a temporary condition, such as being speechless due to shock, or a permanent state, such as being mute.

Why are dumb people unable to speak?

It is not accurate to say that "dumb" people are unable to speak. People may have difficulty speaking due to various reasons such as speech disorders, physical disabilities, or language barriers. Intelligence is not the sole determining factor in someone's ability to communicate verbally.

What does incommunicable mean?

unable to communicate

Did modern man speak?

Yes, modern humans have been capable of speech for at least 100,000 years. The development of language is a key trait that distinguishes modern humans from earlier hominid species.

What does Stephen Hawking do?

He is a world renowned scientist, but unfortunantely he is wheel chair bound and unable to speak. he is on a wheel chair and can't speak because of the disease ALS of most commonly know as Lou Gehrig's disease. It is a disease that slowly kills all nerves in the body and eventually kills you. he is the longest known survivor of this disease. And It is very rar for someone as young as he was(21) gets diagnosed with it.