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The underlying truth in radioactive decay is that on an individual basis, no unstable atom will have a predictable time until it will decay. We understand and characterize the decay of radionuclides on the basis of statistical analysis. Only by looking at a large number of atoms of a given isotope of a given element and counting the decay events over time can we quantify the decay rate. The term half-life is used to state (based on the statistics) when half of a given quantity of a substance will have undergone radioactive decay. Note that atoms are incredibly tiny things, and even if we have very tiny quantities of a given radioactive material, we'll have huge numbers of atoms of that material in the sample. The larger the number of atoms of material and the longer we count the decay events, the more accurate our half-life value will be. Having said all that, no one can predict when a given atom of any radionuclide will decay. Each is different, and that is the basis for the random nature of nuclear or radioactive decay.

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It is impossible to predict when a nucleus will decay and by what type of emission will it decay. Also the probability of a nucleus decaying is the same for all nucleuses in a given sample.

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Q: Why is Radioactive decay is said to be random?
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Radioactive decay is a spontaneous process where unstable atomic nuclei lose energy by emitting radiation such as alpha or beta particles. It is a random process that is not influenced by external factors like temperature or pressure. The rate of decay is characterized by a half-life, which is the time it takes for half of the radioactive substance to decay.

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They experience radioactive decay. They emit radiation, changing the state of their nucleus, usually by the loss of protons and neutrons. However, this process is completely random; it can only be predicted as a half-life, or the amount of time it takes half of a certain material to decay. This does not predict when an individual atom will decay, it only predicts when approximately half of the material will have decayed.

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One reason is that radioactive decay heats the earths interior

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A radioactive decay curve is not a smooth curve because radioactive decay events are random and occur at discrete times rather than continuously. This randomness causes the curve to have fluctuations and jagged edges, giving it a non-smooth appearance.

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That statement is not entirely accurate. Radioactive decay can involve the emission of alpha particles, beta particles (electrons or positrons), and gamma rays. Electrons can be involved in certain types of radioactive decay processes.