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Clearly London's climate is more temperate than that of Quebec City. Even in the coldest month of January, London drops to a comparatively mild low of 36 degrees F (2 degrees C) while Quebec City plunges to a teeth-chattering 3 degrees F (-16 degrees C). There is less of a difference in the summer, but, perhaps surprisingly Quebec City is a little bit hotter, averaging a high of 77 degrees (25 degrees C) vs. London's 73 degrees (23 degrees C). So why does Quebec City's average temperatures fluctuate so much more than London's? The simplest answer is that London lies much closer to a western coast. It is only 110 miles from the shore of Portishead. By contrast Quebec City is more than 2000 miles from the comparable shore of Sooke on Vancouver Island. This is crucial because winds usually travel from West to East, bringing more stable, ocean air inland. Oceans are inherently stabilizing to air temperatures due to the high heat capacity of water. Further, the currents flowing constantly in the oceans mitigate any buidups of especially cold water. So for the same reason Vancouver is more temperate than Winipeg and Edinburgh, Scotland is more temperate than Moscow.

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16y ago
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1mo ago

London benefits from the warming effect of the Gulf Stream, which moderates its climate and keeps temperatures milder compared to Quebec City. Quebec City, on the other hand, is farther north and lacks the same oceanic influence, leading to more extreme seasonal temperature variations.

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15y ago

England's climate is moderated by the Gulf Stream and is less Continental.

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12y ago

The consensus is that warm air is being carried to Northern Europe from around Florida by the North Atlantic Current, which is part of the Gulf Stream.

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Q: Why is London's climate much more temperate than Quebec City Canada?
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