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To say that it is important to the science community as a whole is perhaps somewhat of an overstatement. It is, however, a field of knowledge which has many applications in many branches of science. More importantly, it had a profound impact on the historical development of the modern sciences, as it was one of the first attempts to model natural phenomena in an entirely naturalistic manner, paving the way for other natural philosophers to use similar methodologies to formulate tractable scientific models.

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Q: Why is Darwinism so important to the science community?
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How does a science teacher helped the community?

Congrats on your grammar by the way!But if you meant How does a science teacher *help the community?Well a science teacher could tell people expanded ideas about the universe to close-minded children who would tells their parents who might be strict Christians, so they will consequently beat their child because they had spoken bad thoughts which they thought was blasphemy. Because of this the parents would get sent to prison and the community would feel safe. Later the child would get fostered by the science teacher. So he has now helped the community.

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if we have science we can do everything science is the most important thing in our life by science we can solve our problems and if we have a science we can compaire our mistakes with our real things so if we don't we can compaire our mistaket with our truth and by science we can know our self that who i am and what should i do its very important to know that because if we don't know our self so we cant know any one else or any in my points we should try to get a lots of science because its very important in our natural life.. Thanks a lot..

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to help u answer it

Why is darwinism so appealing?

It gives people an explanation on how we came to be