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Let's consider animals. The genetic information needed for a zygote to develop into an adult animal comes from the prior generation. If that information were not passed on from the parents, there would be no offspring.

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because they also need it

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Q: Why is DNA transmitting information important?
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Nitrogen and phosphorus are important elements in which molecule?

Nitrogen and phosphorus are important elements in DNA and RNA molecules, which are essential for storing and transmitting genetic information in all living organisms.

How did scientists determine that DNA is responsible for storing copying and transmitting genetic information?

Scientists confirmed DNA's role in storing, copying, and transmitting genetic information through various experiments, such as the Hershey-Chase experiment in 1952. They showed that DNA, not protein, is the genetic material that carries hereditary information. Additionally, studies on DNA structure, like Watson and Crick's discovery of the double helix, further solidified our understanding of DNA's crucial role in genetics.

Why Hershey chase experiment was important?

The Hershey-Chase experiment was important because it provided definitive evidence that DNA, not protein, is the genetic material responsible for transmitting hereditary traits. This experiment helped establish the central role of DNA in molecular biology and genetics. It also supported the theory that genetic information is encoded in the sequence of nucleotides in DNA molecules.

Once DNA evolved why would it have become the primary means of transmitting genetic information?

DNA is a stable molecule that can accurately store and replicate genetic information. Its double helix structure and ability to code for proteins make it efficient for passing on genetic information from one generation to the next. Over time, natural selection favored the stability and efficiency of DNA as the primary means of transmitting genetic information.

How is the difference in bonds important to the function of DNA?

The difference in bonds is important to the function of DNA because it determines the stability and structure of the DNA molecule. DNA is made up of two strands, held together by hydrogen bonds between complimentary base pairs (adenine-thymine and cytosine-guanine). These bonds are relatively weak, allowing the DNA strands to separate during processes like DNA replication and transcription, which are essential for DNA's role in storing and transmitting genetic information.

What do cells use nucleic acids for?

Cells use nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA, for storing and transmitting genetic information. DNA carries the genetic blueprint for an organism, while RNA plays a role in protein synthesis by carrying the instructions from the DNA to the ribosomes.

Why is it important that RNA carries DNA instructions out of nucleus?

DNA carries the genetic information of a cell. WHen this information is needed, the genes are transferred to RNA So, it is important.

What molecules that store and process information at the molecular level are the?

Both the RNA and DNA within the molecule play vital parts in storing and transmitting genetic material. The DNA is located in the nucleus and is responsible for carrying all the genteuic information.

Store important coded information in cells?


Why is storing information function important for DNA?


Are carbohydrates important for information storage?

No. They are not part of the structure of DNA which is what information is stored in.

What macromolecule is made up of nucleic acids?

DNA and RNA are made up of nucleic acids.