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Alfred Wegener's idea of continental drift was considered a theory because it lacked a detailed mechanism to explain how continents move, and it was met with skepticism due to a lack of evidence at the time. It was later supported by the discovery of plate tectonics, providing a more robust explanation for the movement of continents.

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Q: Why is Alfred Wegener's idea only considered a theory?
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Who is The Father of the Theory of Continental Drift?

Alfred Wegener is considered the father of the theory of continental drift. In the early 20th century, he proposed the idea that the continents were once connected and had drifted apart over time, forming the basis for the modern theory of plate tectonics.

Wegeners's idea that the continents slowly move over earth's surface became know as?


Why did scientists in 1915 not accept wegeners idea of continental drift?

Scientists in 1915 did not accept Alfred Wegener's idea of continental drift because he lacked a plausible mechanism for how the continents could move. Additionally, Wegener's ideas were seen as radical and went against the prevailing scientific beliefs of the time, so there was resistance to accepting his theory without more concrete evidence. The technology available at the time also did not provide the necessary tools to support Wegener's hypothesis.

Who invented continental drift theory?

Alfred Wegener, a German meteorologist, proposed the theory of continental drift in the early 20th century. He suggested that the continents were once part of a single supercontinent called Pangaea that broke apart and drifted to their current positions. Although his ideas were initially met with skepticism, they formed the foundation for the modern theory of plate tectonics.

Why did other scientists rejected Alfred wegener idea?

Alfred Wegener's theory was rejected because he could not prove how the continents actually moved. He showed evidence of fossils from Africa and South America, but still coul not prove the convection surrents going on underground. Other geologists did not believe in his theory just because he was a meteorologist, not a geologist like themselves.

Related questions

What was the name of Alfred wegeners idea?

Plate tectonics, which refers to the concept of continental drift.

Why most geologists rejected Alfred wegeners idea of continental drift?

dont ask me freak

What was Alfred wegeners accomplishments?

He proposed the idea of continental dift, which is very cool!

Wegeners hypothesis of continental drift was replaced in 1967 by which theory that supported his idea continents move?

plate tectonics

What were Alfred wegeners accomplishments?

he theorized about the continental drift and he also said that a pangaea formed 200 million years ago

Who is The Father of the Theory of Continental Drift?

Alfred Wegener is considered the father of the theory of continental drift. In the early 20th century, he proposed the idea that the continents were once connected and had drifted apart over time, forming the basis for the modern theory of plate tectonics.

Explain who proposed the continental drift theory?

Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift at the beginning of the 20th century. His idea was that the Earth's continents were once joined together, but gradually moved apart over millions of years. The idea was rejected at first as he was a Meteorologist and not regarded as a proper scientist.

How did location of mountains support Alfred wegeners idea about how mountains form?

The distribution of similar rock types and geological structures across distant mountain ranges supported Alfred Wegener's idea of continental drift. This suggested that the mountains were connected before the continents drifted apart, explaining their shared characteristics. Additionally, the alignment of mountain ranges on different continents provided evidence for the theory of plate tectonics, which explains how mountains form at convergent plate boundaries.

Who is credited with the plate tectonic theory?

The plate tectonic theory was primarily developed by Alfred Wegener in the early 20th century. He proposed the idea of continental drift, which later laid the foundation for our modern understanding of plate tectonics.

Who was postulated theory of plate tectonic?

Alfred Wegener postulated the theory of continental drift, which later contributed to the development of the theory of plate tectonics.

What scientist were responsible for the theory of contenental drift?

A German scientist Alfred Wegener first proposed the idea of Continental Drift.

Name of the scientist that came up with the continental drift hypothesis?

Did you mean Plate Tectonics Theory? - Plate Tectonics Theory is the combination of Continental Drift and Ocean/Sea Floor Spreading. BTW. The scientist who started it is Howard Baker continued by Alfred Wegener.