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Q: Why ipil ipil seed effective as an insectecticide?
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The efficacy of ipil ipil leaves as anthelmintic for goats?

Ipil-ipil leaves have been shown to have anthelmintic properties for goats due to their high tannin content, which has been found to reduce worm burdens in goats. However, it is important to consider the dosage and frequency of feeding ipil-ipil leaves to goats to ensure effectiveness without causing toxicity or other health issues. Consulting with a veterinarian or livestock specialist for guidance on using ipil-ipil leaves as an anthelmintic for goats is recommended.

What is ipil-ipil seed?

Ipil-ipil seed comes from the Leucaena leucocephala tree, a species commonly used for reforestation and as livestock fodder due to its fast growth and high protein content. The seeds have a hard coating that needs to be scarified to improve germination rates.

What is scientific name of ipil ipil?

The scientific name of Ipil Ipil is Leucaena leucocephala.

What are the examples of feather-shaped leaves?

ipil ipil

How do ipil-ipil seeds disperse?

Ipil-ipil seeds are dispersed from the parent tree by wind. The pods of the ipil-ipil tree split open when they are mature, releasing the seeds which are then carried away by the wind to new locations for germination.

What are the components of ipil-ipil leaves that it can be as a alternative floor wax?

The ipil-ipil leaves are high in protein, and when they are juiced or squeezed into a pulp the protein can be added to paraffin wax for use on floors. Studies have shown that a floor wax made with the juice from ipil-ipil leaves is comparable to a commercial wax.

What is the structural adaptation of ipil- ipil?

its seeds can not be eliminated easily

What are the uses of ipil-ipil?

use for making mosquito coil

What is adaptation of ipil-ipil?

Ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) is a highly adaptable plant species that can thrive in various environmental conditions. It has a high tolerance for drought, poor soil fertility, and acidic soil. Its ability to fix nitrogen allows it to grow in nitrogen-deficient soils.

What are the toxic substance in ipil-ipil?

The toxic substance in ipil-ipil leaves is the toxic amino acid mimosine. Mimosine has been shown to cause toxicosis in livestock fed on these plants.

What is the Nutritional value of ipil-ipil?

the leaves are high in protein.

Why do ipil-ipil leaves good for chicken feeds?

Ipil-ipil leaves are good for chicken feeds because they are rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals essential for their growth and overall health. They also have detoxifying properties which can help prevent certain diseases in chickens. Additionally, ipil-ipil leaves are easily digestible for chickens, making them a nutritious and cost-effective feed option.