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Its the same phenomenon that the moon shares, where people believe it is larger or smaller from time to time. It is an illusion, they are not.

They appear to be larger when closer to the horizon (morning for the sun) because it appears closer the ground, the trees and buildings around us, they appear closer and therefore larger. Up high, where is next to it to relate to, they appear further away, and therefore smaller.

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The sun appears smaller in the afternoon due to the Earth's atmosphere scattering sunlight. This scattering effect causes the sun to appear lower in the sky, making it seem smaller compared to when it is overhead in the morning.

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Q: Why in the afternoon the sun is smaller than in the morning?
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Why is the morning sun in the summer cooler than the afternoon?

The morning sun in summer is cooler because the sun's rays are more slanted, passing through a thicker layer of the Earth's atmosphere, which scatters some of the heat and reduces its intensity. In the afternoon, the sun is more directly overhead, leading to stronger and more concentrated sunlight, resulting in higher temperatures.

Why sun see smaller in evening then morning?

The Sun appears smaller in the evening compared to the morning due to an optical illusion called the "Moon Illusion." This illusion is caused by our brain perceiving the Sun as farther away when it is near the horizon, which makes it appear smaller. Additionally, atmospheric conditions such as dust and haze can scatter sunlight, making the Sun dimmer and thus seeming smaller.

Star much larger than the sun?

Many stars are larger than our Sun, many are smaller.

Is the milkway Jupiter the moon or the sun smaller?

Luna, our moon, is thousands of times smaller than planet Jupiter, millions of times smaller than the Sun, and trillions of times smaller than the Milky Way galaxy.So Luna is the smallest of the 4 objects you named.

Why does the daylight appear to lengthen in the afternoon and not and not begin earlier in the morning?

The phenomenon occurs due to the Earth's axial tilt, which causes the Sun to rise and set at different points on the horizon throughout the year. In the afternoon, the apparent lengthening of daylight is a result of the Sun setting at a more acute angle, making the daylight hours appear to extend. Conversely, in the morning, the Sun rises at a more obtuse angle, which creates the illusion of shorter daylight hours.

Related questions

What is smaller than you at midday and bigger than you late in the afternoon?

A shadow. It is smaller at midday when the sun is directly overhead, and longer in the late afternoon as the sun starts to set.

When is the sun the strongest in the morning or in the afternoon?

The sun is generally strongest in the afternoon when it is higher in the sky and the angle of its rays hitting the Earth is more direct. However, the exact timing can vary depending on factors like geographical location and time of year.

Why do the sun's rays feel hotter in the afternoon than in the morning or evening?

because intensity of rays is more in afternoon

If you are facing east to the sun it is likely to be morning or late afternoon?


What direction is the sun facing in the afternoon?

The Sun is in the West of the sky in the afternoon, so it's facing East.

Why is morning cooler then hotter in the afternoon?

In the morning, the Earth's surface is still cooling from the night, while in the afternoon it has had more time to absorb heat from the sun. Additionally, the angle of the sun's rays is lower in the morning, leading to less direct heating compared to the afternoon when the sun is higher in the sky.

If the sun is facing east and is low to the horizon is it morning or afternoon?

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. So if the sun is facing east then it must be in the west and it will be evening.

He died yesterday afternoon and buried the one who died this morning?


When the sun is below the yardarm?

means when the sun is low on the horizon -- early morning or late afternoon.

How long does it take the sun to melt an ice cube?

depends, weather it is morning in afternoon

Why is the morning sun in the summer cooler than the afternoon?

The morning sun in summer is cooler because the sun's rays are more slanted, passing through a thicker layer of the Earth's atmosphere, which scatters some of the heat and reduces its intensity. In the afternoon, the sun is more directly overhead, leading to stronger and more concentrated sunlight, resulting in higher temperatures.

Why do you feel hot in summers in afternoon and comparitively comfortable early in the morning?

In the afternoon, the sun is higher in the sky, leading to more direct sunlight and heat exposure. This results in increased temperatures, making you feel hotter. In the morning, the sun is at a lower angle, and temperatures are typically cooler due to the absence of direct sunlight, creating a more comfortable environment.