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Technological advances mean that astronomers are able to see more and more detail in the universe - and better understand it's composition. For example - it was originally thought that the Earth was the centre of the universe... we now know, through the invention of the telescope etc - that this is not so.

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Knowledge is never static, and new facts are frequently discovered. Therefore, theories have to be updated.

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Q: Why have the asronomers changed their theories about the universe over time?
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Why do scientists study distant galaxies to learn about galaxies?

Scientists study distant galaxies to understand the formation, evolution, and properties of galaxies over time. By observing galaxies that are far away, they can explore the universe at different epochs and gain insights into how galaxies have changed and evolved since the early universe. Studying distant galaxies also helps scientists refine theories about the laws of physics and the nature of the universe as a whole.

Which roman astronomer taught that the Earth is the center of the universe by mistake was?

Ptolemy was the Roman astronomer who incorrectly argued that Earth was the center of the universe in his geocentric model. His theories dominated Western thought for over a thousand years.

Is evolution something to do with the big bang?

No, the Big Bang theory explains the early stages of the universe's expansion, while evolution is the process by which living things change over time through genetic variation and natural selection. The two concepts are related in the sense that the universe's development set the stage for life to evolve on Earth, but they are distinct scientific theories.

Who invented the world?

The concept of the world as we know it was not invented by any one person. The world's existence and formation is attributed to natural processes and scientific theories such as the Big Bang theory for the creation of the universe and Earth's formation over billions of years.

How cosmic microwave background radiation shows us the universe is changing?

Cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation is a remnant of the early universe, a faint glow left over from the Big Bang. By studying the CMB, scientists can determine various properties of the universe, such as its age, composition, and rate of expansion. Over time, the CMB has cooled and stretched as the universe expanded, and analyzing its temperature fluctuations provides insights into the evolving structure and dynamics of the universe. Therefore, the CMB radiation serves as a powerful tool to understand how the universe has changed and evolved over billions of years.

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What is the logic of science?

Science is a group of theories and laws which help explain the universe we live in and things around us. Many theories and laws have been improved and changed over time. eg. the theory of the atom has been improved by John Dalton, Rutherford and Chadwick.

How have scientific theories changed over time?

Scientific theories have changed over time as new evidence is discovered through experiments and observations. As technology advances, scientists can gather more accurate data and refine their theories accordingly. Additionally, the acceptance and rejection of ideas by the scientific community also influence the evolution of scientific theories.

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There many factors affecting social sector theories, Innovation and discovery affect a lot of human mind, which in resulted to alter social sector theories.

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umm. they have changed alot over time because as the world and the moon goes through different phases theories change.Scientists use to believe that there was once life on Jupiter but now as the sun gets hotter and closer Jupiter is to hot for life on it

Why do scientists study distant galaxies to learn about galaxies?

Scientists study distant galaxies to understand the formation, evolution, and properties of galaxies over time. By observing galaxies that are far away, they can explore the universe at different epochs and gain insights into how galaxies have changed and evolved since the early universe. Studying distant galaxies also helps scientists refine theories about the laws of physics and the nature of the universe as a whole.

Which roman astronomer taught that the Earth is the center of the universe by mistake was?

Ptolemy was the Roman astronomer who incorrectly argued that Earth was the center of the universe in his geocentric model. His theories dominated Western thought for over a thousand years.

Why was the art for the magic the gathering card crusade changed?

No particular reason, art is changed all the time. Crusade is an old card, and the game's universe and worlds have developed considerably since then, developing their own style also. Crusade's original art showed medieval knights, however the art has changed over time to fit in with the Magic universe and the themes of whatever set it is rereleased in.

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one of the goals that has changed, is to take over the world. Now they wan't to take over the universe. Goals that have stayed the same include killing E.Ts

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What is cultural convergence-?

Cultural convergence is a term for theories of cultural evoution and social evolution , describing how societies and cultures changed over time

How do scientific theories change?

theories can be changed over time because of more accurate experiments prove a whole lot more than the old one. technology advances tell us there is a lot more to solve in this world so many theories can be put to the test.

How do theories change over time?

Because our society develops and further testing can disprove theories.