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Q: Why government funding for scientific research is important?
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Why is funding important?

The government uses funding to force scientists to do research that won't hurt people.

Which best describes how government influence scientific research?

The government can take away money if a scientist is not following ethical standards.

Why is governmental funding important?

The government uses funding to force scientists to do research that won't hurt people.

Why is governmental funding of research important APEX?

Governmental funding of research is important because it promotes innovation, drives scientific advancements, and addresses societal challenges. It allows for the exploration of new ideas and technologies that may not be financially viable for private sector investment, ultimately benefiting the public by improving health, technology, and understanding of the world.

How does the funding from the government affect scientific research?

scientist have to follow govermental rules made to protect people

Why is governmental funding of research important?

Governmental funding of research is important because it supports the advancement of knowledge, promotes innovation, and drives economic growth. It allows researchers to explore complex issues that may not be addressed by private sector funding alone and ensures that scientific discoveries benefit society as a whole by addressing public health, environmental, and social challenges.

How does getting funding from the government affect scientific research?

scientist have to follow govermental rules made to protect people

If research is restricted then the new discoveries made are limited. Which action would most likely increase the number of discoveries scientists can make?

Increasing government funding of research

Why is governmental funding important for scientific research?

Scientific research is often not profitable, but necessary for advancement of our species. Much research does not produce economically feasible technology, however can be an important stepping stone towards useful tech. Without these stepping stones, we don't get to the useful tech. Also, government funding allows research into other areas that don't necessarily have any obvious useful application. This type of research can sometimes lead to radical new discoveries and opportunities.

Why is govermmental funding of research important?

Research needs funding. Sometimes it can be got from private of commercial sources, but sometimes it can't. Getting it from the government is another source available. In some instances the results of the research could in some way be of use to the government, so there are benefits to them spending money on research.

What do you think is the most important issue in science today?

My opinion is that freedom and funding of scientific research is the most important issue today. It has become a common practice of today's governments to regulate what scientists are allowed to research, with what funding, where their funding comes from, and what results they are allowed to report. Governments have been attempting to control scientific progress and scientific results. Overall this only inhibits the scientific community as a whole and slows down the further development of the human race. This is the most important matter in the scientific community in my opinion, for it can effect every field of science and can happen anywhere in the world.

Which is not a source of funding for scientific research?

selling cheese.