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Electrostatic forces between charged particles in gases are typically stronger because the particles are more spread out and have fewer interactions compared to solids where the particles are closely packed. In gases, charged particles have more freedom to move around and interact at longer distances, leading to stronger electrostatic forces compared to the more tightly bound particles in solids.

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Q: Why electrostaic forces are more in gasrs than in solids?
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How do forces between particles in solids compare to forces in the other states of matter?

Particles in solids are of course stronger. That binding force is called cohesion. Cohesion is more in solids than liquids than gases. By: Kiran... 9844634245

Why are particles in liquid are held less firmly compared to solids?

Particles in liquids are held less firmly compared to solids because the intermolecular forces in liquids are weaker, allowing the particles to move around and flow past each other more freely. In solids, the particles are closely packed together with strong intermolecular forces that keep them in fixed positions, giving solids a rigid and definite shape.

Why can gases be squeezed much more than solids and liquids?

Gases have more space between their particles, which allows them to be compressed more than solids and liquids. In gases, the particles are in constant random motion and have higher kinetic energy, making them more easily squeezed together. Solids and liquids have stronger intermolecular forces that resist compression.

Why do solids soften?

Solids can soften due to an increase in temperature, which causes the particles to vibrate more and disrupt their ordered structure. This leads to a decrease in the strength of the intermolecular forces holding the solid together, allowing it to become softer and potentially melt into a liquid.

Are gases more dense than solids?

In general, gases are less dense than solids because the particles in gases are more spaced out compared to the particles in solids. This is due to the lower attractive forces between gas particles, allowing them to move more freely and occupy a greater volume.

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How do forces between particles in solids compare to forces in the other states of matter?

Particles in solids are of course stronger. That binding force is called cohesion. Cohesion is more in solids than liquids than gases. By: Kiran... 9844634245

Why do liquids flow easily while solids do not?

Liquids have weaker intermolecular forces compared to solids, allowing their molecules to move past each other more easily. In solids, the molecules are tightly packed and held in place by strong intermolecular forces, limiting their ability to flow.

Why its difficult to store gases than solids or liquids?

Gases have weaker intermolecular forces compared to solids and liquids, leading them to have more freedom of movement and a tendency to expand to fill their container. This makes containing and storing gases more challenging than solids or liquids, which are typically more compact and have stronger intermolecular forces that keep them in a defined volume.

How do the melting points of ionic solids generally compare with those of molecular solids?

Ionic solids generally have higher melting points compared to molecular solids. This is because in ionic solids, strong electrostatic forces hold the ions together in a rigid lattice structure, requiring more energy to break these bonds and melt the substance. Molecular solids, on the other hand, are held together by weaker intermolecular forces, resulting in lower melting points.

Why the vapour pressure of solids are far less than those of liquids?

The vapour pressure of solids are far less than those of liquid because solids have fixed arrangement of molecules and between atom of solids their is strong intermolecular forces that held the molecules in place and the molecules of liquid have less intermolecular forces as compared to solids.

Can you please-Compare the melting points of substances that are gases at room temperature with solids and liquids?

Substances that are gases at room temperature typically have lower melting points than solids and liquids because their intermolecular forces are weaker. Gases have molecules that are further apart, making it easier to overcome these weak forces to change their state. Solids and liquids have stronger intermolecular forces that require more energy to break, resulting in higher melting points.

Which type of wave travels faster theough solids than it does through gases?

Seismic waves travel faster through solids than through gases. This is because solids have a higher density and greater intermolecular forces, allowing the waves to propagate more efficiently.

Which solid is more likely to have the lowest melting point an ionic solid or molecular solid?

A molecular solid is more likely to have a lower melting point than an ionic solid. This is because molecular solids are held together by weaker intermolecular forces such as van der Waals forces, while ionic solids have strong electrostatic forces between ions.

Why unlike gases liquids and solids can not be compressed easily?

Liquids and solids have particles that are already in close proximity and held together by strong intermolecular forces, making compressing them difficult. In contrast, gases have particles that are far apart and move freely, allowing them to be compressed more easily.

Why are particles in liquid are held less firmly compared to solids?

Particles in liquids are held less firmly compared to solids because the intermolecular forces in liquids are weaker, allowing the particles to move around and flow past each other more freely. In solids, the particles are closely packed together with strong intermolecular forces that keep them in fixed positions, giving solids a rigid and definite shape.

Why can gases be squeezed much more than solids and liquids?

Gases have more space between their particles, which allows them to be compressed more than solids and liquids. In gases, the particles are in constant random motion and have higher kinetic energy, making them more easily squeezed together. Solids and liquids have stronger intermolecular forces that resist compression.

Are amorphous solids more flexible at high temperature?

Yes, amorphous solids are typically more flexible at higher temperatures because the atoms have more kinetic energy, allowing them to move more freely and adapt to applied forces. This increased mobility reduces the resistance to deformation in amorphous materials at high temperatures.