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they dont want any electrons cuz they got no room to put them

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3mo ago

Noble gases have a full valence shell of electrons, so they are stable and do not readily gain or lose electrons. This stability leads to very low electron affinity values for noble gases, as they do not have a strong tendency to attract additional electrons to achieve a more stable electron configuration.

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Q: Why don't the noble gases have an electron affinity value?
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Why the value of electron affinity is positive for noble gases?

The electron affinity of noble gases is positive because they are already stable with a complete valence electron shell. Adding an extra electron would force them to become less stable, requiring energy input, which results in a positive electron affinity value.

What is the electron affinity value and which elements have a zero value?

Electron affinity is the energy released when an electron is added to a neutral atom. Elements with a zero electron affinity value include neon, helium, and argon because they have stable electron configurations and do not readily accept additional electrons.

Does high value of electron affinity for an atom means that it will gain electron easily?

Yes, that is part of the definition of electron affinity.

Who has highest value of electron affinity sulphur or oxygen?


What is the meaning of a negative value for the electron affinity of an atom?

A negative value for the electron affinity of an atom means that energy is released when an electron is added to the atom to form a negative ion. This indicates that the atom has a higher affinity for electrons and is more likely to gain an electron to achieve a stable electron configuration.

How do you determine electron affinity?

Electron affinity is determined by measuring the energy released when an atom in the gas phase gains an electron to form a negative ion. A higher electron affinity indicates that an atom has a greater ability to attract and hold onto an additional electron. This can be influenced by factors such as the atomic size, effective nuclear charge, and electron configuration of the atom.

What is the electron affinity for phosphorus?

The electron affinity for phosphorus is -72 kJ/mol. This value represents the energy released when an electron is added to a neutral phosphorus atom to form a negatively charged ion.

What value of different electron affinity will give you an ionic bond?

An ionic bond forms when there is a large difference in electron affinity between two atoms. Typically, one atom has a high electron affinity (strongly attracts electrons) and the other atom has a low electron affinity (weakly attracts electrons), leading to the transfer of electrons from one atom to the other to form charged ions that are held together by electrostatic forces.

Which has more electron affinity oxygen or chlorine?

Electron affinity of chlorine is far grater than oxygen. For oxygen, its value is 141 KJ/mole whereas for Chlorine, it is 349 KJ/mole. Thus, adding an electron is more favourable in case of a gaseous chlorine atom

What is the hardness of the noble gases?

it has no hardness ohk... then what exactly do you call solid oxygen?

What elements has the largest electron affinity?

AnswerElectron affinity is the energy released when we add an electron to the outermost orbit of the atom. Halogens are the higher in electron affinity, and chlorine has the higher electron affinity than rest of the halogens. The irregularity in the electron affinity trend between Cl and F is due to the small size of the F atom. Although F definitely has a higher attraction for an electron than Cl (as evidenced by its high electro negativity value), the small size of the F atom means that adding an electron creates significant repulsion. Since electron affinity is an energy measurement, the total energy associated with electron affinity winds up being the energy that is released by the electron binding to the nucleus, minus the energy involved in overcoming the electrical repulsion in the outer shell.This makes the fluoride anion so formed unstable due to a very high charge/mass ratio. Also, fluorine has no d electrons which limits its atomic size. As a result, fluorine has an electron affinity less than that of chlorine.

Why sulphur have higher negative electron affinity than oxygen?

Sulfur has a higher negative electron affinity than oxygen because sulfur has a larger atomic size, which results in a weaker effective nuclear charge on the outer electrons, making it easier for sulfur to gain an additional electron compared to oxygen. Additionally, the electron added to a sulfur atom occupies a higher-energy orbital, leading to a lower energy change and therefore a higher electron affinity compared to oxygen.