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Q: Why don't all of the particles in an atom contribute to the charge?
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The two particles found in the atom are what?

Protons and Neutons, I believe.. Because dont electrons revolve around the nucleus or something?

What conditions make a neutral atom?

A neutral atom is an atom that does not have a positive or negative charge. These ions are highly reactive and usually dont stay in their ionic form very long. Some common neutral atoms are the noble gasses which dont readily lose or gain electrons.

Is the nucleus positve or negative?

The nucleus of an atom contains positively charged protons and neutral neutrons, making it overall positively charged.

What is the electric charge of the nucleus of every atom?


If an atom has 15 protons 14 neutrons and 18 electrons what is the atoms electrical charge?

'-3' It is not an atom, when it is a charged species, but an ION. 15 protons (15+) 18 electrons (18-) Hence +15 - 18 = -3 The charge. By the numbers given , this is the element Phosphorus. , which can exhibit a 'P^(-3) ion.

How do you create a helium atom model?

dont no who created the wave model of an atom dont no

How will the forces between two charged particles compare when one particle has ten times as much charge as the other?

The force between the two charged particles will be 100 times stronger when one particle has ten times as much charge as the other. This is because the force between two charged particles is directly proportional to the product of their charges.

How do humans contribute to mechanical weathering?

Humans contribute to mechanical weathering by activities such as construction, mining, and agriculture. These activities can expose rocks to physical forces like pounding, vibrations, and drilling, accelerating the process of breaking down the rocks into smaller fragments.

Which two particles make up the mass of an atom?

. . . the two with (appreciable) mass: protons and neutrons.The atomic mass number of an element is determined by mass of the nucleus of an atom. Therefore the particles that make up the nucleus determine the mass number. These particles are protons and neutrons.The mass of the protons and neutrons do not vary between elements, but the number of each in the nucleus varies between elements and between isotopes of the same element.Protons and neutrons.idk dont asqq meehThe sum of the numbers of protons and neutrons determine the mass number. Electrons have negligible mass compared to protons and neutrons.The particles counted are neutrons and protons each having a relative atomic mass of 1. The atomic number is the number of protons.Atomic mass of an atom is the mass of the nucleus.Hence the atomic mass is the sum of the number of protons an neutrons present in the nucleus of the atom. The electrons are not considered as their mass is negligible compared to the mass of the neutrons and protons.

How do you draw particles?

!. Draw a box. Then draw circles in it to represent the particles.

How do you draw nitrogen atom labeled?

You dont

What is a sample matter in which all the particles are identical?

A sample of water molecules is an example of a matter where all the particles (H2O molecules) are identical. Each water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, making them indistinguishable from one another.