because it is pure from the springs and therefor tastless... also it is only odorless when it is pure and when it is touching soil and many other substances, it has an odor.
Nothing in life is pure. Distilled water is basically pure water with a few impurities; this is also known as the universal solvent. A spring, a literal hole in the ground, is definitely not a source of pure water.
Color > Distilled water is blue. It is faint so you would not see it in a small quantity, but you do see the blue color through a few feet of water. It must block the passage of red light as well as some other invisible wave-lengths. UV light creates ozone that helps make water safe to drink.
Taste > Distilled water has a complex, but mostly sweet, taste. After drinking it for a while it seems to lose its taste. The lack of a taste may help us detect impurities in the water.
Odor > Water is a volatile chemical, meaning it produces a vapor when exposed to the air; even when frozen. There is no physical reason a person would be unable to smell it, and commonly many smells are associated with water such as mildew, ozone, and the fresh smell after a snow. Also, many smells we experience are just physical sensations, alcohol tingles for example, rather than being a pure odor. So we may have no olfactory gland capable of sensing it, but we can readily detect humidity by the relief of dryness in our throat or nose. Scientists say that animals can smell it. True or not, the odor would be in the same category as wave lengths of light that can not be detected by the human eye; the odor is there regardless.
Water is likely odorless because it is around us all the time and we can detect humidity, meaning that a smell serves no real purpose. It must not be similar enough, in shape, to other molecules detected by the olfactory.
Water has both H+ and OH- ions in equal concentration. Compounds having H+ ions are sour in taste and those having OH- are bitter but water has both the ions in equal concentration so it is tasteless.
Pure water is colourless because it has no minerals and trace elements. Also. it can be said that water doesnot absorb any colour. The human eye can precieve electromagnetic waves having wavelength in between 400 to 700 nano meter. As a result, pure water seems to be colourless.
In an alcoholic-water solution there will be an alchoholic smell compared to the smell of just plain water. In an alcoholic-water solution there will be an alchoholic smell compared to the smell of just plain water.
The smell of bleach in cold tap water could be due to increased levels of chlorine used in the water treatment process to disinfect the water. This heightened chlorine smell might be more noticeable in the cold water because colder temperatures can enhance the scent of chlorine. If the smell persists, it's best to contact your local water utility to investigate further.
When mud reacts with water, it releases organic compounds such as geosmin and algae that produce the earthy smell. These compounds are produced by bacteria and algae living in the mud and are released when the mud is disturbed or mixed with water, creating the distinct smell.
The smell of bong water comes from the combination of water with the residue left behind from burned plant material. This residue can contain compounds that have a strong, unpleasant smell when they interact with the water. Additionally, the stagnant nature of the water can allow odor-causing bacteria to grow, contributing to the bad smell.
A common cause of smelly hot water is a build-up of bacteria in the water heater. This can lead to a rotten egg or sulfur-like smell. Flushing the water heater and cleaning the tank can help address this issue.
he doesnt but ricky does
if its unflavoured gluten then it doesnt smell very good....
it doesnt :)
it doesnt
If it doesnt smell bad or if it doesnt have a rich red color.
Carla doesnt smell shes my best friend :P
Theres many different smells.. There is a Nasty smell that is strong and the is a sweaty smell that doesnt smell very bad
i guess you could smell it, if it doesnt smell normal its bad
Lol cause he doesnt wash :D
Bc she doesnt shower.
Probally because he doesnt shower with ash
I love kelly she doesnt have powers like I do :D