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Q: Why does water have so much high sepicific heat value?
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The water gas has a high calorific value because it produces immense heat during its combustion.

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Why does the water gas has a high calorific value?

Water gas, also known as synthesis gas or syngas, has a high calorific value because it contains a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, two gases that have high energy content. When combusted, these gases release a lot of heat energy per unit volume, making water gas a valuable fuel source for various industrial processes.

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How does heat capacity makes water a good heat sink?

Water has a high heat capacity, meaning it can absorb and store a large amount of heat before its temperature changes significantly. This property makes water an effective heat sink because it can absorb heat from its surroundings, such as in cooling systems, without experiencing a rapid increase in temperature. Additionally, water's high heat capacity allows it to release heat slowly, making it useful in regulating temperature changes in various processes.

Why does high specific heat of water make it essential to life?

The high specific heat allows water to act as a heat sink. Water will retain its temperature after absorbing large amount of heat and retain its temperature after losing equally large amount of heat. So water is essential for life.

What property of water makes it so your high temperature will go down?

Water has a high heat capacity and a high specific heat capacity 4.184 kJ/kg/K

Why ocean is slow to heat and slow to cool?

Water has a high heat capacity

Does water carry high heat when evaporated?

Evaporation absorb heat from the environment.

Why does water have a high specific heat and heat evaporation?

It is because of the hydrogen bonds that form between the water molecules.

Water has a relatively low specific heat?

The specific heat of water is high. An example of an object with low specific heat would be a metal pan. Since specific heat is the energy needed to raise 1g of something 1 degree Celsius, water would have a high specific heat.