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If you're looking to find out if the theory is true that it spins differently in the 2 hemispheres, it is true. In Uganda, right on the equator there was a demonstration of this gravity effect. They had a large funnel on each side of the line, about 20 ft away, and one right on the line. They poured water in, set a leaf on the water for visual aid, and stilled the water. When they released the hole in the bottom, the water spun opposite directions on the 2 sides. When they did the same test on the line itself, the water didn't spin at all. It dropped straight thru the hole. When the dish became just a tiny bit off center, the water began to spin. Only directly in the center of the equator did it not spin. Amazing!

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1mo ago

The direction in which water drains is not determined by the equator. The Coriolis effect, caused by the Earth's rotation, does influence large-scale weather patterns but is too weak to affect the direction of water draining in a sink or toilet. Other factors like the shape of the basin and the way the water is initially set in motion have a greater influence on the direction of drain rotation.

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Q: Why does water go down the plughole a different way once you cross the equator?
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What direction does water flow down in Australia?

No trip to the equator is complete without a real-life demonstration of this phenomenon.Tourists watch as their guide shows them water swirling out in one direction, and when they step over the equator, it goes out the other, and as people say. seeing is believing. Or is it?It is true that the Coriolis force works slowly and takes its time, but it is thought that it turns storms in the northern hemisphere clockwise, and turns storms in the southern hemisphere anticlockwise. As a result, many people believe that, due to the Coriolis force, that water goes down the plughole in Australia anticlockwise, and in London, clockwise.This is not true. Water does swirl as it goes down the plughole, but the real influences are where the plughole and tap are positioned.Storms being whirled around by the Coriolis force and water going down plugholes are completely unrelated.No matter where you are, it can go either way.Partly quoted from Actually Factually by Guy Campbell

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