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Viscosity increases with increasing chain length of straight-chain alkanes while that for isomeric alkanes increase with branching because of the difference in the number of rings contained within their hydrocarbons.

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Q: Why does viscosity go on increasing with increasing chain length of straight-chain alkanes but for isomeric alkanes viscosity increase with branching?
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How could you change the viscosity of the substances?

You can change the viscosity of a substance by adjusting its temperature- generally, increasing temperature decreases viscosity and vice versa. You can also alter the composition of the substance by adding viscosity modifiers or solvents to increase or decrease viscosity accordingly. Mixing different substances together can also affect the overall viscosity of the mixture.

Why viscosity decreases with increase in temperature?

Temperature measures the speed of random thermal motion on the atomic and molecular level. When sub-microscopic particles are moving faster, the liquid as a whole will be more fluid and less viscous.

How can the viscosity of a fluid vary?

The viscosity of a fluid can vary based on factors such as temperature, pressure, and composition. Generally, an increase in temperature decreases viscosity by reducing friction between molecules, while an increase in pressure can either increase or decrease viscosity depending on the nature of the fluid. Additionally, adding solutes or changing the molecular structure of the fluid can also affect its viscosity.

How does temperature affect the viscosity of ketchup?

Temperature can affect the viscosity of ketchup by changing the flow behavior of its ingredients. At higher temperatures, ketchup becomes less viscous and flows more easily due to reduced interactions between its molecules. Conversely, lower temperatures increase ketchup viscosity as the molecules move slower and have increased interactions, making it thicker and harder to pour.

Does an increase in silica increase the viscosity of magma?

Yes, an increase in silica content typically increases the viscosity of magma. This is because silica molecules form longer and more interconnected chains, which hinder the flow of magma, making it more viscous.

Related questions

Increase branching of a hydrcarbon has what effect on its octane rating?

Increasing branching in a hydrocarbon generally increases its octane rating. This is because branching reduces the likelihood of pre-ignition or knocking in the engine, which is a common issue with straight-chain hydrocarbons. Branching increases the efficiency of combustion, leading to a higher octane rating.

If you increase density of liquid the effect on viscosity is?

Increasing the density of a liquid typically results in an increase in viscosity. This is because higher density usually means more intermolecular interactions and greater resistance to flow. In other words, the molecules are packed more tightly, leading to stronger forces between them, which makes it more difficult for the liquid to flow.

How can you increase the viscosity of water What will you add to it?

There are a few ways to increase the viscosity of water. One thing to add to water to increase viscosity is sugar.

How could you change the viscosity of the substances?

You can change the viscosity of a substance by adjusting its temperature- generally, increasing temperature decreases viscosity and vice versa. You can also alter the composition of the substance by adding viscosity modifiers or solvents to increase or decrease viscosity accordingly. Mixing different substances together can also affect the overall viscosity of the mixture.

Why viscosity decreases with increase in temperature?

Temperature measures the speed of random thermal motion on the atomic and molecular level. When sub-microscopic particles are moving faster, the liquid as a whole will be more fluid and less viscous.

Viscosity increase as temperature increase?

Usually the increase in temperature decreases the viscosity of a liquid due to weakness of intermolecular attractions but some mixtures show an increase in viscosity with the rise of temperature as egg (proteins).

What is the Viscosity of 60 sugar and 40 water solution?

The viscosity of a 60% sugar and 40% water solution will depend on factors such as temperature and sugar concentration. Generally, increasing the sugar content will increase the viscosity due to the additional dissolved solids in the solution. It is recommended to use viscosity measurements to determine the exact viscosity of a specific solution.

What is the effect of the temperature on the flow rate and the viscosity of a liquid?

HSP With increase in temp.the viscosity of liquids decreases,thereby increasing the flow rate and vice versa.The decrease in viscosity with rising due to the fact that the intermolecular attraction decreases and the cohesive forces increases. This does not apply with water

What affects viscosity of a liquid?

viscosity decreases with increase in temperature

How do you increase viscosity of a substance?

Lowering the temperature the viscosity is higher.

What happens to viscosity in a gas when cooled?

The viscosity increase when the temperature decrease.

What are the impacts of temperature on gas?

The impacts of temperature on gas are manifold. Increase in temperature increases the gas pressure by increasing its volume. It increases the solubility of gas and vice-verse. The viscosity of gas also increases with increase in temperature.