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Q: Why does vasoconstriction and vasodilation happen at the same time?
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How is protein synthesis different in prokaryotes and eukaryote?

In prokaryotes, transcription and translation happen at the same time. -APEX Learning®️ 2021

Can 4 tornado's happen all at a time?

It is extremely rare for four tornadoes to occur simultaneously in the same area. Tornadoes typically form from separate thunderstorms and are usually isolated events. Multiple tornadoes can occur in quick succession or in the same general area, but having four at the same time is highly unlikely.

When is the next time a meteor shower and a solar eclipse happen at the same time?

Meteor showers and solar eclipses are independent celestial events that occur separately. It is highly unlikely for them to occur simultaneously, as they involve different astronomical phenomena: meteor showers are caused by Earth passing through the debris trail of a comet, while solar eclipses happen when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth. So, it is possible for them to happen close together in time, but not at the exact same time.

When will a meteor shower and a full solar eclipse happen at the same time?

It is highly unlikely for a meteor shower and a full solar eclipse to happen at the same time. Meteor showers occur when Earth passes through debris left by a comet, while a solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, casting a shadow on Earth. Both events involve different celestial phenomena and occur at different times.

Why doesn't thunder and lighting happen at the same time?

Thunder and lightning do happen at the same time, but we see the lightning first because light travels faster than sound. Lightning is a visible discharge of electricity, while thunder is the sound produced by the rapid heating and cooling of the air in the lightning's path.

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Do weathering and erosion happen at the same time?

Weathering and erosion are related processes that often occur simultaneously. Weathering breaks down rocks into smaller pieces, while erosion transports these pieces to a different location. Both processes work together to shape the Earth's surface over time.

Does growth and development happen at the same time?

Yes, because it response to the development and it happen at the same time bacause of the theory that happen in particular time!

How can more then one happen at the same time?

yes more than 1 hurricane can happen at one time

How is protein synthesis different in prokaryotes and eukaryote?

In prokaryotes, transcription and translation happen at the same time. -APEX Learning®️ 2021

When will a meteor shower and a full solar eclipse happen at the same time?

It is highly unlikely for a meteor shower and a full solar eclipse to happen at the same time. Meteor showers occur when Earth passes through debris left by a comet, while a solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, casting a shadow on Earth. Both events involve different celestial phenomena and occur at different times.

What cannot happen at the same time?

Time travel to the past and time travel to the future cannot happen simultaneously as they involve moving in opposite directions in time.

What Does Simultan Mean?

The adverb simultaneously means that two or more actions happen at the same time. For example: The two car crashes happened simultaneously.The events do not have to occur in the same place and do not have to be connected except by when they happen.

What role does vasoconstriction play in haemostasis?

Vasoconstriction helps limit blood loss from a ruptured blood vessel, buying precious time for platelets and coagulation to form. Vasoconstriction is instantaneous but short-lived and platelets and coagulation are needed for a lasting effect.

What happen if two motor will plug at the same time?

if they are conectedright nothing but if not a short circut will happen. :)

Are female orgasming and cumming the same thing and should they happen at the same time?

Female orgasming and cumming can refer to the same physical response but are often used interchangeably based on personal preference. While they can happen simultaneously for some individuals, they might occur separately for others. It's important for partners to communicate and understand each other's needs and responses to sexual stimuli.

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What is disjoint?

A disjoint event is an event that can not happen at the same time