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Gametes are different due to the process of meiosis, which involves two rounds of cell division that shuffle genetic material. This results in a unique combination of genetic material in each gamete, ensuring genetic diversity in offspring. Additionally, crossing-over during meiosis further increases genetic variation by exchanging genetic material between homologous chromosomes.

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How many different gametes are for XXHhuU?

There are four different gametes for XXHhuU: XHU, XHu, XhU, and Xhu.

What makes gametes in the male?

seminal vesicle

How many different gametes can heterozygous organism produce?

Literally millions of different gametes. That is why each individual is unique.

Which organ makes and releases female gametes?

The ovaries make and release the female gametes.

Are the 4 gametes identically?

no, they are different.

How many different gametes can be produced from the genotype AaBBDDEeff?

8 different gametes can be produced from the genotype AaBBDDEeff. This is because each gene segregates independently during meiosis, allowing for different combinations of alleles to end up in the gametes.

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The fusion of the male and female gametes

What is formed from gametophytes?

A spore. The gametophyte makes gametes, which fertilize to form a zygote. That zygote develops into a sporophyte, which makes spores through meiosis. Those spores will then develop into the gametophyte.

How is mitosis and meiosos alike and different?

Mitosis is the process in where cells are made throughout the body. The process is called IPMAT, this stands for Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Mitosis makes different cells with different functions for specific body functions except for the sex gametes. Meiosis on the other hand makes the sex gametes and its process is the same except it is repeated twice. It is called IPMATPMAT Interphase Prohase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Meiosis can only make sex gametes and nothing more.

Are gametes produced in meiosis identical to each other but different from parent cell?

No. Each gamete is genetically different from the other gametes and from the parent cell.

What kinds of gametes can be formed from a parent who is TtQq?

A parent who is TtQq can form gametes with different combinations of alleles from each gene pair. This means they can produce four different types of gametes: TQ, Tq, tQ, and tq.

What is the process of making gametes called?

The process of making gametes is called gametogenesis. It involves the formation of specialized haploid cells (sperm and egg) through meiosis from diploid germ cells in the gonads.