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Obviously the French word "environnement" stems from the word "environ" in French. They have closely related, but not identical meanings. The English language borrowed the word under the spelling "environment", as there was a need to name it.

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Q: Why does the word environment come from the French word environ which means around?
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There's no Latin root to 'environmentalist'. The noun instead comes from environ, which is French for 'around'. The French preposition in turn comes from the Middle French verb virer, which means 'to turn'.

How do you spell enviormentally?

The word needs an 'n'. It is spelled environmentally. The word "environ" means "surround". The word "environment" means the persons, objects, earth, etc. that is surrounding you. Environmentally is an adverb. The land near the waste plant was environmentally unsafe.

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"Bruyant" in French means noisy or loud. It is used to describe a setting or environment that is filled with a lot of sound or noise.

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"entourer" (verb) means 'to surround, to come around' in French.

Does the word environment contain from the same root that means light as in light from the sun?

No, the word "environment" does not come from the same root as the word for light from the sun. "Environment" is derived from the Middle French word "environner," which means "to surround," while the word for light comes from Old English.

What is the derivation of environment?

the term 'environment' (which originated in 1827) comes from the french 'environs' which means surroundings, therefore the environment refers to the surroundings of a place. now the term is a general one, so it's divided into sub-categories such as natural environment, social environment, etc.

What is the origin of the word environment?

I think it means 'that which surrounds us'. I suspect a french or Latin origin, and am still trying to find out.

What are antonyms of environment?

This is a very tricky one that people get caught up on. If environment means a habitat or something surrounding you then an antonym for environment isinsidesfar awaynot around By:BBob

Why are earthworms cold blooded?

It means their body temperature of an animal is the same as the environment they are around.

What word begins with an E that means the world around us 11 letters long?


What is the sum total of a person's surroundings?

A person's environment means everything around them. or you can say its the enviroment