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The Sun has the largest gravitational pull in our solar system due to its massive size and mass. Its immense gravity is what keeps all the planets in orbit around it, including the Earth. The Sun's gravitational force is proportional to its mass and decreases with distance from the Sun.

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2w ago

The Sun has the largest gravitational pull in our solar system due to its massive size and mass. Its immense gravity is what keeps all the planets in orbit around it, including the Earth. The Sun's gravitational force is proportional to its mass and decreases with distance from the Sun.

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13y ago

It has the most mass. The more mass something has, the grater its gravitational field.

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Gravity is the force that causes planets to orbit the Sun in our solar system. The gravitational pull of the Sun keeps the planets in their orbits as they travel around the central star.

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Solar refers to the Sun. It has a system of planets and other things orbiting around it, held in their orbit by the Sun's gravity. Without the Sun, there is no solar system.

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Why does the sun have the most gravity in your solar system?

The sun, by far, has more mass than anything else in the solar system. The sun contains 99.86% of the mass in the solar system.