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Sometimes the space shuttle lifts off at night because atmospheric conditions necessitate it, or the trajectory of the flight might work better at night.

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Space shuttles sometimes launch at night to take advantage of specific lighting conditions that reduce shadows and make it easier to monitor the rocket's ascent. Night launches also offer better visibility of the vehicle's flight path for tracking and safety purposes. Additionally, launching at night can help avoid conflicts with other air traffic or scheduled launches.

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In astronomy what happened in 1981?

In 1981, NASA launched the first Space Shuttle mission, known as STS-1, which marked the beginning of the Space Shuttle program. This mission was carried out by the Space Shuttle Columbia, and it was significant as it introduced a new era of reusable spacecraft for space exploration.

When did the hubble spacecraft take off?

The Hubble Space Telescope was launched into space on April 24, 1990 aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery.

What is used to lift from a planet on a journey into space called?

A spacecraft or rocket is used to lift off from a planet on a journey into space. The rocket engines provide the necessary thrust to overcome Earth's gravity and propel the spacecraft into space.

What happened on Feb12003 to the space shuttle columbia?

The space shuttle Columbia disintegrated upon re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere on February 1, 2003. This tragic event resulted in the loss of all seven crew members on board and was caused by damage to the shuttle's thermal protection system during launch.

To lift from a planet on a journey into space?

To lift off from a planet and journey into space, a spacecraft would typically rely on powerful rocket engines to generate enough thrust to overcome Earth's gravity. The spacecraft would need to achieve a certain speed, called escape velocity, to break free from the planet's gravitational pull and enter into space. Once in space, the spacecraft would continue its journey following its pre-determined trajectory towards its destination.

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What year did space shuttle Challenger explode on lift-off?

The space shuttle Challenger exploded on lift-off on January 28, 1986.

What did the space shuttle Challenger do?

It exploded on lift-off.

What direction does the space shuttle go at lift off?

the east

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What makes a space shuttle lift off from earth?

power pure power

How much does gas doe a space shuttle take to lift off?

by working

When did the first space shuttle lift off in Florida?

April 12th, 1981.

What were the three phases of space shuttle flight?

lift off orbit reentry

How does a space shuttle lift off the ground so easily?

A space shuttle lifts off the ground so easily due to a combination of its powerful engines and controlled combustion of rocket fuel. The engines generate enormous thrust that overcomes gravity, allowing the shuttle to ascend into space. Additionally, the shuttle's aerodynamic design helps minimize air resistance and maximize lift during takeoff.

What year did the first shuttle lift off from cape?

The first space shuttle, Columbia, lifted off from Cape Canaveral on April 12, 1981.

How powerful are the engines in a space shuttle?

they are more powerful than the ones in a plane and a jet pack as they need to lift a 2 tonne space shuttle off and out of earths atmosphere

How far in advance to astronauts have to enter the space shuttle before lift-off?

Approximately 3 hours