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Melting glaciers are associated with elevated levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and carbon dioxide dissolves in water to form carbonic acid, hence, the oceans become more acidic.

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Q: Why does the ocean gain acid when glaciers melt?
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Related questions

What two things could you observe when glaciers melt?

When glaciers melt, you could observe an increase in the volume of water in rivers and lakes downstream. Also, you might notice the retreat or disappearance of the glacier's front edge, leading to changes in the landscape.

How would glaciers be affected by changes in climate such as global warming and global cooling?

Glaciers would be affected differently by global warming and global cooling. With global warming, glaciers would melt at a faster rate, leading to loss of ice mass and potentially causing sea levels to rise. In contrast, global cooling could cause glaciers to advance and grow as more of the Earth's water freezes into ice.

Is there any water in Svalbard?

Svalbard is surrounded by the Arctic Ocean. There is plenty of running water in the summer with melt streams from glaciers and melting snow.

What does glaciers melt?

Global warming

Can acidic water cause glaciers to melt?

Water can speed up the rate at which glaciers melt. Whether the water is acidic or not has no effect.

How did the growth of glaciers affect water level in the oceans?

when glacier runs into the ocean it causes the water level to rise. just like when we add ice cubes to a glass of water. but when the icebergs melts water level remains the same. like when the ice cubes melt in a glass of water. it does not increase the amount of water in the glass. global warming is causing glaciers to run into the ocean causing water level to rise.

What do glaciers do that rivers dont?

Melt. Move

What will happen to glaciers if there is global warming?

they will melt

What caused glaciers to begin to melt?


When glaciers melt what landforms does it make?

Sea or

Why glaciers take many years to melt in sunlight?

glaciers are big and vary cold.

What happens when glaciers move?

When glaciers move, they erode the land beneath them by scraping and plucking rocks and sediments. This process can create valleys, fjords, and other landforms. Additionally, as glaciers melt and retreat, they deposit the sediments and rocks they have carried with them, shaping the landscape further.