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Q: Why does the mucus layer decrease in size?
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What protects the stomach against ulcers?

Mostly it is protected by a layer of mucus and neutralizes the stomach acid and keep sit away from the lining. Aspririn, Motrin etc decrease the mucus production.

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How does cigarette smoke effect the mucous layer in bronchioles?

Cigarette smoke irritates cells in the bronchi and this irritation triggers special cells to produce a layer of mucus designed to trap the foreign particles irritating the cells. This layer of mucus is then suppose to be swept away by the Cilia, though the tar found in cigarette smoke slows the action of the cilia. This tar accumulates in the mucus layer, because the cilia are not able to respond due to the presence of this tar. In conclusion, the mucus layer will gradually grow over time because the cilia will not be able to sweep away the accumulated foreign particles.

How you can decrease the mucus production in the digestive system?

eliminate dairy

What layer is the dorsal cavity lined with?

a mucus membrane

What does the mucus layer do to the fish?

It helps prevent infection.

How does the mucus layer work in the stomach?

because it does hahah.

What are some functions of the mucus layer that line the respiratory tract?

The mucus layer protects the respiratory tract by trapping bacteria and dust, not allowing them to enter the body. Mucus filters the air during inhalation and keeps the tissues from becoming too dry.

Why intestine not totallly vanished in acid?

due to a layer of mucus inside it all around its walls, although there are a few diseases in which the layer of mucus is damaged which does cause erosion of the small intestines.

Which two parts are protected by a thin layer of mucus?

The stomach lining and the inner surface of the intestines are protected by a thin layer of mucus. This mucus helps to prevent damage from stomach acid and aids in the smooth movement of food through the digestive system.

What problems arise from a decrease in the ozone layer?

Decrease of ozone layer causes UV to enter. These are fatal rays of the sun.

What are the four major components of the?

Secretive layer= mucus glands Absorptive layer= villi (mucosa, lymphatics) Mechanopropulsive layer= muscle structural layer= serosa