Without an atmosphere, water or water vapor will be ionized by the intense solar radiation and become hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen is swept away by the solar wind. At low pressures, water's boiling point (vapor point) is very low, and in a vacuum it will rapidly disperse.
The water that does exist on the Moon is found as ice deposited by comets and asteroids. The ice is buried deep within craters near the lunar poles, where sunlight never reaches it.
The moon is extremely dry, with very little to no water present on its surface. Any water that may exist is in the form of ice in permanently shadowed craters near the poles.
There is plenty of water on Mars but only a little on the Moon (maybe in the permanently dark craters).
My opinion is very little. The Moon's gravity pulls uniformly on both sides of a tectonic plate.
Low tides occur on the side of the Earth facing away from the moon. This is because the gravitational force exerted by the moon creates a bulge of water on the side facing the moon, leaving less water on the opposite side, resulting in low tide.
Since there is no water on the moon, there are no bodies of water to cover it.
The moon has no water or atmosphere to cause weathering and very little geologic activity. This means that there is very little to disturb features on the moon's surface.
The moon has an average humidity of close to 0%, as it lacks a significant atmosphere to hold water vapor. This results in extremely dry conditions on the moon with very little water present in any form.
The moon is extremely dry, with very little to no water present on its surface. Any water that may exist is in the form of ice in permanently shadowed craters near the poles.
The moon has just enough gravity to pull water to the sand of the beach. The moon has very little gravitational pull so it does not influence anything else on Earth. The tides are the only gravitational pull effect from the moon.
There is very little weathering or erosion on the moon's surface because it lacks a significant atmosphere and flowing water, which are essential for these processes to occur. The moon's surface is also not subject to the same level of geological activity as Earth, leading to less weathering and erosion over time.
The Moon does have gravity! It is weak (just 1/6th of the Earth's) so the Moon has very little atmosphere.
There is plenty of water on Mars but only a little on the Moon (maybe in the permanently dark craters).
There are currently no plans or technology in place for people to live on the moon permanently. However, there are missions being planned to establish a sustainable human presence on the moon in the future.
it has a little water
The Moon has very little atmosphere, and is barely measurable.
Very little, the moon is too far away, on a good day you can just about make out the continents.