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becasue they feel like turning red

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 1w ago

The color change in unripe tomatoes and mangoes is due to the breakdown of chlorophyll, a green pigment, and the production of carotenoids, red-orange pigments. As the fruit ripens, the levels of carotenoids increase, causing the color change from green to red. This process signifies the development of sweetness and readiness for consumption in the fruit.

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Q: Why does the color of unripe tomatoes and mangoes change when the get ripen from green to red?
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Is a rotten tomato a chemical change?

yes !because it was once was a seed an now it grew an became larger so it was not there before !yes, there is a chemical change from green tomatoes to ripen tomatoes. there is a compound Lycopene, responsible for the red color of tomatoes. it has eleven double bonds and it is C40-carotenoid made up of isoprene units. initially Lycopene has no double bonds it is saturated and colorless. as time passes, initially three bonds form in the centre of the molecule and then number of double bonds extends on both sides of the molecule and as a result of this conjugation, spectrum of the molecule shifted from UV to visible region. When there are eleven conjugated double bonds, then spectrum of tomatoes lies in the visible region and it looks red.Yes because sugars and stuff form in it.

What color are apricots?

Apricots are typically orange or yellow in color when ripe. Unripe apricots can also be green.

If you change the color of the vinegar does it change the color of the pickle?

No, changing the color of the vinegar will not change the color of the pickle. The color of the pickle is mainly determined by the type of vegetables used and the pickling process, not the color of the vinegar.

Can eating mangoes makes your skin turn yellow?

Eating mangoes in moderate amounts does not typically lead to skin turning yellow. However, excessive consumption of mangoes, which are high in beta-carotene, can potentially result in a condition called carotenemia, where the skin takes on a yellowish hue. If you notice changes in your skin color after eating mangoes, it’s best to consult a healthcare professional for guidance.

Why are raw tomatoes green?

Raw tomatoes are green because of chlorophyll, a pigment present in the fruit when it is still developing. As the tomato ripens and matures, chlorophyll breaks down and other pigments, such as carotenoids, develop, giving the tomato its characteristic red, orange, or yellow color.

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What is reason colou r change tomato green white yellow red?

The color change in tomatoes is due to the production of different pigments as they ripen. Green tomatoes are unripe, white or yellow tomatoes are in the early stages of ripening, and red tomatoes are fully ripe. This color change is influenced by the breakdown of chlorophyll and the formation of carotenoids and anthocyanins.

Raw mangoes are sour in taste?

The mango which you ate was probably unripe. If it was green, it was not ripe. The best color for a ripe mango is when it is a nice yellow color. Almost like a fruit that bears the sunset.

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Does tomatoes have an apostrophe?

Yes if it will mean ownership of tomatoes. Example: tomatoes' color

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Pale yellow inside, green when unripe, browny-yellow when ripe

What is the color of pH paper of raw mangoes?

Dark Orangey colour

What color is a lime?

A lime is typically green in color when it is mature and ripe. Unripe limes may appear more yellowish or light green in color.

How are mangoes yellow in color?

its thin and brown and its leaves are rather long and a dark green colour

Do mangoes turn brown when cut?

Mangoes tend to stay the same color when cut. If you cut them and do not eat them immediately or store them properly they may discolor slightly, but not on the same level as an apple.

What tomatoes are okay?

All tomatoes?? Just Kidding! The tomatoes shouls be a brightish red color, with green and healthy looking leaves. The tomatoes shouldn't be too hard or too soft.

What color are huckleberry?

Huckleberries are usually dark purple or blue in color when ripe. Unripe huckleberries may be red or even green, depending on the species.

What chemical gives tomatoes their red color?

Lycopene is the chemical that gives them their red color.