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1w ago

The ankle is structured for stability while the wrist is designed for mobility. The ankle's limited range of motion helps support the body's weight and provides stability during weight-bearing activities. In contrast, the wrist requires a broader range of motion for activities that involve fine motor skills and dexterity.

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Q: Why does the ankle have a more restricted range of motion than the wrist?
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Actually, the wrist and ankle joints are examples of hinge joints, not ball and socket joints. Hinge joints allow movement in one plane, like bending and straightening, whereas ball and socket joints allow for a wider range of motion, such as the hip and shoulder joints.

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The opposite of wrist is elbow. The wrist is the joint at the end of the arm and the elbow is the joint that connects the upper and lower arm.

What are the bones of the wrist and ankle called?

The bones of the wrist are called carpals, and the bones of the ankle are called tarsals.